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"Tsunami?" Sunny squeaked as she rose her head a little. "Are you alright?" Tsunami blurted. She waded over and realized the bottom lump was Clay and the SCPs were also piled up. 

"This is a terrible strategy," Tsunami pointed out. One by one, the dragonets opened their eyes, Tsunami was relieved that her friends were all right. 

"Oh," Glory said icily. "The Seawing princess has time for us all of a sudden." "It's only been a day," Tsunami said uncomfortably. "Mother has kept me busy."  

"Well, we feel so blessed that you found time to visit. Please do impart some more incredibly brilliant wisdom on us." Glory wriggled and twisted her neck to glare at Starflight. "Get your honking great claws off my wings before I bite you." 

"We can't go anywhere," Sunny cried while Starflight adjusted his position. "We can't leave Clay!" She pointed down to one of Clay's talons which was restrained with a thick chain. "Explains why he's been in the same spot for 2 days," 035 whispered to 049.

"I knew you would come for us though!" Sunny exclaimed. "I mean, I thought you'd come yesterday. Or this morning, or when the storm started.  But I knew you'd come eventually! Well, I was pretty sure."

"Of course, she would come dimwit, you expect your 'bff' to leave you forever?" 682 snarled at Sunny. "Don't talk to her like that!" Starflight yelled. 

"I was sure you wouldn't," Glory stated. "Don't you have a feast or coronation or a beheading to attend?" She squinted at Tsunami. "Is that an egg? Wow, they work fast in the Kingdom of Sea, who's the lucky father?" 

"Glory stop sniping at me for TWO SECONDS, please," Tsunami said. "Sunny, 96, I need you to take care of this. It has to stay warm and you two are the only ones who can keep it that way." The hoped that the warmth from a Sandwings scale and heat providing dragon would be similar to what the egg would have in the nursery.

"Us?" Sunny's voice was filled with delight. "You want us to do something important?" 

"Really important," Tsunami said. "My sister is in that egg and somebody wants her dead." Sunny got onto 096 and wrapped her wings and tail around it. "So, keep it warm and safe and for goodness sake don't let Clay anywhere near it in case he accidently sits on it."

"I would never!" Clay protested. His stomach growled loudly. 

"Haven't they at least fed you?" Tsunami asked. 

"We got some breakfast leftovers this morning," Clay sighed. "Very extremely tiny small crabs." "Weren't even 2 centimeters long," 682 hissed as his stomach growled a little. "We tried melting the chains, but they wouldn't budge. Not even 106 or 035's acid could melt it." Riptide came splashing through the entrance. 

"How do we take these off?" Tsunami demanded. Riptide rubbed his snout nervously. "You need the key from the guards, but they'll never give it to you."

"We'll see about that," Tsunami growled. "Hide if you need to," she called to Riptide as she flew out of the cave. 

"Well now what?" 106 asked from the ceiling. "Ack! How did you get up there?" Riptide yelled. "✨Magik✨."  

"Anyway, care to tell us who you ar-" 049 was cut off by Tsunami flying back with the key. "Hurray!" Sunny cheered when Tsunami help up the key. 

"Wow," Glory said. Swirling waves of yellow shifted through her scales. "I did not think that was going to work." Tsunami plunged her head into the water and unlocked the chain with a small click. "All better," Clay said, grinning at her. His stomach roared in disagreement. 

"Well, almost all better," he amended.  

"Let's find somewhere dry, and I'll see about food," Tsunami said, she herded them out of the cave ahead of her. Riptide paused, still in the shadows. Tsunami turned to him.

"Thank you," She whispered. "You saved my friends."

"I didn't do much," he whispered back. "I could never boss somebody into doing what I want. You're really good at it." "Well," Tsunami started. "Sometimes bossing doesn't work, and you have to try something else. It'd be much easier if everyone just did as I told them."

Riptide laughed. "I should get out of here before someone sees me." 

Tsunami nodded and intertwined her tail around his. "I'll look for you again tomorrow, if I can. There's a lot of Aquatic I still have to learn."  

He smiled and slipped out of the cave into the water. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO," Glory started. "Don't you dare," Tsunami said, shoving her into the lake. The Rainwing squawked indignantly and flapped up into the air, showering them all with water. 079 screeched and hid under 682. Rain was still dripping down through the canopy, and small waves scuttled across the small bay. 

The dragons made their way into a cave above, which had a pot for fire. Starflight set the fireplace on fire so that everyone would be warm. Sunny wrapped herself around the egg while 096 sat down next to her. 

"Let me find some food first," Tsunami said as she flew off. 

~Time skip~

Tsunami dumped 3 cauldrons on the cold stone floor. One packed with fish, another filled with water and another seaweed mushroom salad that she'd found on the kitchen level. Clay seized the salad cauldron and shoved his snout, chomping on the salad. Starflight took a peek at the fish and without asking if the others would mind, shot a burst of fire into the cauldron. Which left the fish all blackened and a tasty smoke flavor. 

"Hey," Tsunami protested. "I like the raw." 

"Overruled," 035 said. "Raw fish is gross." 

"Raw fish is awesome," Tsunami insisted. 

"You have unreliable taste," said Glory. "You even think your terrifying mother is awesome."  

"She is not terrifying!" Tsunami said. "She's a wonderful queen!" 

"That is what the scrolls say," Starflight pointed out through a mouthful of charred fish. Tsunami looked up at the cave ceiling and shifted from talon to talon. "Hold up Glory, I mean, all in all you haven't even met her yet," 096 stated. "Also, usually you just jump to conclusions to fast and you don't even know anything about her anyway!" 

Tsunami stared at 096 in relief. 'At least someone thinks mother's fine,' she thought. "Er," she said. "Well. Apparently, she... wrote a lot of those herself."

"Really?" Starflight blinked in astonishment. "She's a writer? I had no idea. That's so- I mean, I wish I- do you think she'd read something I-," he stammered to stop and fidget with the cauldron a bit. "It's cool, that's all," he mumbled, shoving a fish in his mouth." 

"Ok ok ok, we get it. But seriously, you need to work on your speaking cuz you aren't going to be able to really convince anyone if you're going all jittery," 173 interrupted. 

"Anyway, it's not just the scrolls. Her subjects think she's a great queen, too," Tsunami said loyally. 

"Compelling," Glory said. "Except for the part where she's killing off all her daughters." 

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