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Tsunami flew in circles, overwhelmed and far too excited to see her mother, the queen. Dragons were clustered along the edges of the pavilion, on ledges of cliffs, and all across the water. At that moment, Starflight landed on a patch of sand and removed the blindfold from Sunny while Clay tore his off. 

"The missing princess!"

"It can't be!"

"Look at the patterns under her wings," a few Seawings called out.

Tsunami looked around; she'd never seen this many faces before. "Hello fellow Seawings," Tsunami yelled out, then paused as her voice echoed off the stone. "I'm Tsunami and um- I'm very happy to be home at last, and- I look forward to meeting you all!" Tsunami facetaloned in embarrassment. 'There moons was that the worst speech in the history of Pyrrhia?' She though, she then accidently flashed some of her scales. A murmur erupted from the crowd of Seawings, Tsunami couldn't tell if it was good or bad murmuring. 096 patted her back as she gave him a grateful look. 

"I think you should take me to somewhere where I can wait for my mother," Tsunami said to Riptide, who had a grim look on his face. 

"Up there," Riptide said as he nodded towards the tallest platform in the pavilion. He then looked at Shark. "You should bring your friends too." 

"Tell me about the Summer Palace," Tsunami said, trying to distract herself. "Guest rooms are in caves; Blister usually stays in the one closest to the tunnel. We brought extra sand for her, and it's the only cave where fire is allowed," Riptide's snout turned towards the pavilion. "She meets with Queen Coral on the second level from the top, which is only for visiting royalty. Each level has a different purpose- for instance, there's a floor for dragonet school visits, one for celebration spectacles, and one for war planning. When they are here instead of the Deep Palace, the council meets on this level, halfway up."

He paused, beating his wings. "So which level is for the missing princess?" Tsunami joked. Riptide look a pause to think, "I think the top level would be best." 

Riptide glanced down at the dragons below him, "I can't believe you spoke to Shark like that," he whispered. "I've never seen anyone talk back to him except from the queen and Queen Blister."

"He deserved it," Tsunami responded almost immediately, settling her wings. "Arrogant blowfish-head, when I'm queen, I'll make him sit in a lagoon and grow seaweed." Riptide tried his best not to laugh. "Don't talk like that!" He whisper-shouted. "Don't you know the difference between brave and reckless? Shark will eat you and your friends for lunch if he thinks you're a threat to him." 

"Pfff, he can try," Tsunami said, she shoved away the creepy memory of Shark's unblinking eyes. "By the moons, you make me nervous," Riptide confessed. The dragons made their way towards the top level of the pavilion and settled down. 

Starflight arrived at last, panting and breathing hard as if his life depended on it and flopped to the ground. "This is a really big thing!" Clay exclaimed. His tail accidently splashed Glory, but she was too busy looking at the throne to snap at him. "I mean this thing we're standing on, what do you call it? It's really tall- taller than our prisons in the Sky Kingdom." 096 shivered a bit, remembering the Sky Kingdom and his first time in the arena. 

"I like it," Clay said. "Of course, it's much nicer to be this high when your wings are free. But at least the Skywings gave us a pig sometimes. Do you have pigs? Octopus would instead if you don't. Or squid. Or manatees. I could go for a manatee right now. Or a whale. I'm not fussy, is what I'm saying. Say, how did you make this big thing? Did it take forever to build?" 

Riptide blinked for a moment, trailing over what Clay had just said. "The pavilion? An animus Seawing designed it, many generations ago, and magicked the stone to grow this way." Riptide explained. "Even though, it took nearly 10 years for this thing to form."

"Wow," Clay said. 

"This top level is where Queen Coral will meet visitors like us," Tsunami explained. "So when she arrives, can we please act like the dragonets of destiny and loyal dragons instead of half-drowned seagulls for goodness sake?" 

Sunny and 096 looked wounded, Starflight sniffed loudly, 682 scoffed while 106 and 079 didn't have any reactions. 035 did a fake offended gasp, 049 ignored what Tsunami said and continued to sort through his medicine and whatever he had inside his bag while Glory turned up her snout like she wasn't taking any orders from Tsunami. Clay poked his nose over the level, looking at all the other ones. 

"Which level is feasting on?" he asked. "You do have feasting, right?" His wide brown eyes turned to Riptide. "No reason, just wondering." 

"Sure, we have feasts, especially when Queen Blister is-" He was interrupted by a loud commotion. 

Suddenly, a sea-blue dragon rose from the water and up to the highest level, where Tsunami and her friends were. 'That must be the queen, my mother!' Tsunami thought happily. She looked exactly like Tsunami, only older and she wore pearls all over her body. A harness was seen attached to a year old, pink and baby blue dragonet who tried her best to keep up with the giant Seawing. 

"Who is that?" Tsunami hissed to Riptide. "That's Anemone, your sister."

"Uh oh, maybe our fearless leader isn't a designated queen after all," Glory whispered. 

"My baby!" Queen Coral cried, huge blue wings wrapping around Tsunami. "I knew you'd come back to me," she said. "I knew you were out there, trying to find your way back. I never stopped searching for you." 

"Mother," whined a tiny voice. from behind them. "You pulled me too hard." A second dragonet no bigger than a scavenger (human) clambered up with a limping paw. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Coral apologized as she examined her talon. "Look, darling, it's your sister. The one I told you about, who was stolen six years ago." Coral reached out and placed one webbed talon over her snout. "Isn't she gorgeous?" Tsunami held out her talon after a moment. Anemone placed hers over it as a sign of saying hi.

"Hi," Tsunami started. "I'm Tsunami."

"Tsunami is a good name, Webs did one right thing," Coral slightly hissed. Her emerald eyes narrowed. "Where is he now? I have been planning his punishment for years." She glared over Tsunami's should, Tsunami turned around to find that she was glaring at Riptide. "It won't be a quick death." 

"Please don't hurt him. He was really nice to us," Sunny squeaked. "What are you?" Coral spat in disgust at Sunny. Her gaze fell on the other dragonets and SCPs, her tail lashed dangerously. Before looking at Clay and having a shocked mixed with angered face.


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