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"Clay stop and hover," Tsunami instructed. He paused in the air with Glory and the SCPs close behind them. "What's happening?" Sunny asked, "The advanced guard," Riptide responded. "They make sure no one even gets close to the Summer Palace. 


A few moments later, they were surrounded by dragons, hissing and baring their teeth. "Rrrriptide," growled a dragon in the lead. His scales were green and dull, almost grey, he had tiny pale, unblinking eyes and horns which twisted strangely towards each other. 

"What are you dragging home now?" He snarled. Riptide looked at him straight in the eyes, "I've found the missing princess." 

"Oh really?" The leader sneered, "You, Riptide? Out of all dragons? What an unusual coincidence." He snarled, scanning Tsunami. 

"And who are you?" Tsunami demanded.

Riptide winced, "this is Shark," he said. "Commander of the palace defense and brother of the queen." "Oh really," Tsunami sneered. Shark narrowed his eyes. "What makes you think this snip of a dragon comes from the stolen royale egg?" 

"Why, do you lose a lot of eggs?" 173 jumped in (I am so sorry for forgetting about him, I mean he is concreate but in my AU he can talk so -1 IQ for me), The dragonets were taken aback, they've never heard his voice before and it was creepy. "Maybe whoever's in charge of defense isn't doing such a good job, then. Oh, wait, that's you, isn't it?" Tsunami argued. 

"Her story makes sense," Riptide reasoned desperately. "She knew about - about Webs, he raised her. And look at the glow pattern under her wings." All of the Seawings craned their neck to look at Tsunami. Riptide turned his head towards Tsunami, "quick, light up the scales under your wings."  

Tsunami lit up her wings. Lumiscent stripes glowed around spirals, starbursts shaped like webbed dragon feet branched away from the lines in the middle. The other Seawings wings only had starbursts and no stripes, only Shark's matched her pattern. 

'Tsunami and Shark are probably royalty,' 096 thought. 

"Very well," Shark hissed. "Kill the others and bring her." The guards approached the SCPs and dragonets with baring teeth and claws outstretched. "Don't you touch them!" Tsunami yelled as she slapped a soldier as he reached for Clay. "I am the queen's daughter and I order you to leave them alone!" Starflight had already ducked below clays huge wings; Glory bared her fangs while 682 and 106 shielded 079 and 096 from the Seawings. 035 was quite literally clinging onto 049 who had an annoyed look in his eyes. 

The guards looked at Shark uncertainly, he did a circling motion with his talon; a sign of the Seawing language. To Tsunami's relief, the guards backed away. 

"Very good," she said, trying to sound like she was in charge. "Now take us to my mother." 

"The queen is conducting business at the Deep Palace," Shark said flatly. "We will take you to the Summer Palace, where you may wait for her." He made another talon signal in which two guards backed away from the group, winging of across the water. Islands flashed below them on, now with tight guard of the Seawings. Some being patches of sand barely big enough for a dragon to land on, while others were giant, jagged rocks sticking out of the water. 

Suddenly, Shark swerved and dived into the water, half of the guards followed him. "Where'd Shark go?" 035 asked. "Clay, stop," Tsunami instructed, brushing his wing. "Riptide?" 

"It's the entrance of the Summer Palace," Riptide said. "There's no other way in. You'll all have to swim."

079 beeped in anger which made the dragonets and Riptide confused. "He's literally a computer which will f*cking die the moment he gets inside the water idiots," 682 growled. Riptide sighed, "well, let's see. I think you'll fit through the roof- if you can get through the branches and stuff. Though you'll only have to swim for a little bit, it's been redesigned so Queen Blister in particular can visit."

"And she hates water," Sunny squeaked, "since she's a Sandwing too." 

"Is she- uh- here now?" Starflight asked.

Riptide shook his head. "She is not fond of swimming, and even after all the changes we've made, she rarely visits." 

 (A/n: let's just pretend wax can make anything water repellent, ok?)

"Good thing I have wax," 049 said as he reached into a small bag handing around his neck and pulled out some wax along with a cloth and started to spread it over 079. Making him water repellent. "Stay close behind me," Riptide said. "I'll light up my strips so you can follow and I'll flash then to signal you to surface."

"Um," Clay said. "So... about this blindfold, uh... any chance-"

"Once we're in the tunnel," Riptide answered. He turned and dove for the dragon for the dragon horn rocks. 079 was the fasted out of the water since he absolutely hated it while 682 had a tight squeeze. Once they were out, the first thing they saw was a spiraling chucks of thin rock surrounding platforms in a sort of cone shape. 

(A/n: I'll be providing pictures to make it easier to visualize, sorry if you can't really visualize anything.)

"Let's go let's go!" Tsunami shouted excitedly

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"Let's go let's go!" Tsunami shouted excitedly. "Good grief, it's like as if you're possessed by Sunny or something," Glory said with a shake. They had made it, to the Summer Palace...

To the heart of the Kingdom of Sea...

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