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A wave roared onto the beach and crashed around the beach as the dragons landed. "Let me guess," Glory said mockingly behind her, "that's the smell of freedom?"

"Freedom smells a lot like fish," Starflight observed. "I love it," Tsunami said. "Starflight glanced up at the sky and edged back to the dark foliage that lined the beach. "Shouldn't we stay under the trees? What if a patrol spots us? I mean-" He stopped and took a deep breath. "We must stay under the trees. Everyone, back into the trees now." 

The others ignored him while 096 and Sunny gave him a pitiful glance. Tsunami shot her head into the water. Multi coloured fish infested the waters as Tsunami delivered a snap and pulled her head out. 

"You know what I like? Fish, lots of fish, big fish I can eat, not these little wriggle-scraps," Clay growled as his stomach demanded for food. Sunny giggled, "Clay it's only been a day since you caught that enormous pig!" 

"It wasn't enormous," Clay stated, wings drooping, "it was the smallest pig in the whole world." 682's stomach also growled which alarmed everyone since it was incredibly loud. "I'm serious everybody," Starflight said. "It's not safe out on the beach, not with all the Mudwings and Skywings looking for us." 

"Why are you so worried?" Tsunami complained. "If they do recapture us, won't your Nightwing friends come swooping in to rescue you again?" 

Starflight fluttered his wings, "I'm not worried for me, I'm trying to keep us all safe." He glanced as Sunny and ducked his head. "Simp~" 035 chanted. "I'm keeping us safe just fine!" Tsunami protested. "When have I ever led us wrong?" 

"Well, there was that one time we got captured by Skywings, and the queen nearly killed us," Glory pointed out as Tsunami slapped a wave of water onto Glory. 

~Sorry my fingers are weak again, having to switch from one tab to another... so what looked like a Skywing patrol was heading their way~

"Skywings! Quick into the water!" Tsunami ordered.

"No way," Glory sank to the ground and spread out her wings, shifting colour. "Fine, come on Sunny," Tsunami reached for the little Sandwing. "I'd rather not, I can make it to the trees, I'll fly really fast!" She jumped off Clay's back and flapped after Starflight. 

"It'll be safer in the sea," Tsunami huffed, stamping her foot as Clay and 096 dug into the sand while the others made their way into 106's pocket dimension. The specks were getting closer, maybe faster than Sunny. Tsunami dove into the deep, turquoise sea. 

Meanwhile, 096 and Clay were in the water, nervously looking above to see whether the dragons had left or not. That's when Clay noticed Tsunami ramming to a Skywing who had their mouth open, in a yawning way. 096 shot clay a look obviously saying 'wtf is wrong with your dragon?!' 

Clay noticed Tsunami's gills being burned by the Skywing's fire as she clamped her razor-sharp teeth onto his tail. Clay lunged at the Skywing, leaving 096 having a mini debate on whether he should help or not. He noticed that the two dragonets were struggling to drag the Skywing into the water and shot out of the water like a blur, dragging the Skywing into the water. The Skywing yelped in shock as he slowly drowned in the water, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as bubbles of air escaped his mouth. 

The three dragons dragged the sunset orange Skywing out of the water which Clay had hoped onto and started pumping at his lungs while 096 was worryingly staring at them. 

"What is wrong with you?!" Glory snapped. She glared at the Seawing, "why did you do that?" 

"Oh, your welcome," Tsunami scowled, "saving your life as usual."

"By attacking random dragons?!" Glory roared, "In another moment they would've been gone! And what a you doing?" She jabbed Clay on the side with one of her wings, shoving 096 out of the way who 106 caught, growling at Glory. 

"Uh," Clay mumbled, "fixing him?" He kept thumping the Skywings chest. "WHAT? You can't let him live!" Glory tried to lift one of Clays talons but was shoved out of the way by Tsunami. We don't have to kill him, we could just tie him up and leave him here." 

"Great," Glory said. "How about a trail of cow parts too? And a map of where we're going? Or perhaps we could set part of the forest on fire, just to make sure everybody knows how to find us. Would you like me to spell out 'DRAGONETS WUZ HERE' in giant rocks?" 

"Fine!" Tsunami roared, "here he is! You kill him!" 

Glory looked down at the unconscious dragon and hesitated. "I don't kill dragons who can't fight back," she said finally. "Why did you attack him?" Sunny blurted at Tsunami, the little Sandwing's harmless tail flicked back and forth anxiously.  

"To save you!" Tsunami bawled, stung. 

"But he wasn't even doing anything!" Sunny protested, "he was just flying by!" Everyone looked at Tsunami like she was a type of dragon who would hide and bite innocent passersby for fun. Some of the SCPs just scoffed, that was perfectly normal for them. "I thought she saw you," Tsunami growled. "I saw him open his mouth!" 

~REEEEEEEEEE MY FINGERS! I am so so so sorry for all these mini recaps and skips but y'all know your fingers probably feel like they've been broken and bitten 100 times if you've been trying to find the WoF ebooks for 2 hours and typing a whole book. Alright so they trapped the Skywing under a dead tree and slept for the day, Tsunami became depressed although she didn't and met another Seawing which she made an awkward first impression with and Clay attacked the dragon because he thought he was attacking Tsunami and here they are, making their way to the Summer Palace with Sunny and Clay blindfolded otherwise the other Seawings wuld probably kill them also the dragon Tsunami met was called Riptide~

The dragons were flying in the sky with Starflight struggling to hold Sunny on his back. "Here comes the welcoming committee," Riptide called out, just enough for everyone to hear. Everyone spotted a formation of blue and green dragons flying towards them, huge wings and baring teeth. "Uh-oh," Riptide muttered.

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