Chapter 9

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Candy pulls me into her room to watch a video she was talking about before she left for work, I lazily strolled into the big cream coloured room and flopped on top of the silky bed.

"Nicole you're going to be gobsmacked!" she exclaimed, pulling out her laptop and dropping herself next to me.

"Why? what are you going to show me that's so shocking?" I asked sounding cool and not bothered about the surprise.

"Well, you listen to grime or any London genre type music?" she asked back, typing skillfully onto her laptop and opening some unknown site.

"Only when Dion was around, I prefer RNB to be honest" I replied, stretching my legs outwards and yawning out loud.

"Oh, well remember when I told you I'm a pornstar? - Yeah well one of my friends at the agency did a video with 'Skepta', you know him?" She paused and looked back at her monitor, still typing and engrossed on whatever is displayed on her screen. "Well yeah, they practically did a porno and I'm going to show you!" she squealed...


"Why? I don't want to watch that!" I yelled, ready to leave her to enjoy the disgusting material she was about to put on.

"Oh Nicole stop being such a kill joy, only 2seconds and I'll switch it off!" she laughed pulling my arm down as I was about to leap away from her. I sighed and sat myself back down, rolling my eyes in defeat.

"Candy, I'm not really into these kind of things, so why would I be ................OH MY GOSH!" I gasped with my eyes jumping out of its sockets... All I see his a male on top of a white girl and already I'm out of the room.

"OH GOSH NICOLE!" Candy burst into laughter after slamming her laptop shut, she was getting a real kick out of it

"What idiot does that !" I screamed back, falling back on to the floor and rubbing my eyes vigorously. - Yeah I'm acting like a right sod.

"Well can't blame her, she's getting some dick for money! Personally I choose the good looking ones, Skepta looks odd in this one!" She criticized, putting her pink laptop aside.

"Candy you're friggin' crazy!" I spoke, laughing at what just transpired.

"Well you should know me by now" she sang pulling out her hair brush and rocking out to some next beat... I couldn't help but laugh at her stupidity.. This girl enlightens my day I swear.

"Well... Someone's getting excited" I looked behind me and caught Travis leaning against the wall. He smiled at me and returned to gaze at his younger sister as she rocked out on her air guitar.

"Travis!" She screamed in joy and jumped towards her brother, family reunions are cute? - I don't think mine with Auntie Akua would be so friendly.... damn.

"This is Nicole" she let go off her brother and pulled me up to my feet, fully introducing me to her brother.. I was nervous I can't lie, but I knew I had to control myself in front of them both.

"Hey" I spoke shyly.

"Hi" he responded, smiling at me and pulling out a hand for me to shake, straight away I shook his hand not letting his hand get cold in that position for another second.

"Nicole this is Travis, my brother" Candy sloppily kissed her brothers cheek and went over to whisper in my ear "You like him don't you?" the fact that it sounded more like a statement than a question bothered me.. Was I that bait?

"Candy, I'm heading off to sort some business with the guys, I'll be back later.. I expect some food in the microwave" he joked.

"You retard" she strutted away and stuck her middle finger at her brother in mid air, leaving me to confront her brother awkwardly, something was telling me she was setting me up.. hmm.

"Nicole... where are you from?" he asked, taking one step towards me.

"London..." I replied.

"No I mean, ethical wise?" he asked once more

"Oh, Ghanian and chinese" I cheekly smiled.

"That's a nice mix, I'm half spanish and South African" he pulled out a phone from his pocket and dialled for a number. "Let me take you out for dinner, my treat" he asked.

I didn't know what to say, he seems nice and speaks like a true gentlemen.. Even Dion fails at that at times.. He was elegant and charming, I guess he seemed more... classy than the guys I have confronted before - Any girl would be lucky to have dinner, lunch or even breakfast in bed with him.. So should I just accept?

"Yeah of course" DAMMIT SOPHIA!

Candy's P.O.V - a few hours earlier.

I was walking back from work with my bag around my shoulder and my scarf carefully embracing my soft neck. Another day at work and I wasn't surprised to feel sore between my legs, this job doesn't fail to surprise me any more I'm just use to it.

I continued to strut and click my heels against the hard concrete floor, the night had turned colder than usual and the streets were empty.. Screw this.

"Sexy!" more horse whistles and failed teenagers trying to gain my digits - yeah like that's ever going to happen.

"Another time boys, another time!" I called back rolling my eyes and speed walking my way through the dark roads.

Luckily the off license was open at this time so I could grab a bottle of Bacardi breezer to warm me up for the night. As I entered the owner of the shop greeted me with a full friendly smile.

"Candice! you come again?" he asked, throwing his broom aside and returning behind the counter.

"Yes Umer, its that time for me to warm up" I laughed, grabbing the bottle and placing it on top of the counter for him to scan and check the price.

"2.99 darling" Umer announced putting the alcohol into the blue plastic bag.

"Thank you" I handed him the exact change and hurried off "Bye!".

As I exited the shop I bumped into a male - very muscular and indeed smelled rather sexy.

"Sorry"  I mumbled, addressing my eyes carefully so I can see who was before me. - Yeah liking what I see.

"It's ok, it's my fault not yours" even his voice was yummy. Lord have mercy!

He stepped back to check if I was ok, I know it was a bump but hey I didn't mind the attention.

"What's your name?" he asked, his eyes glistened as he caught my eyelashing battling towards him.

"Candy, yours?"

"Dion...." HOLD ON PAUSE.... is this Nicoles man? !

" I have to go" Oh my lord!

HEY HEY HEY... Exams were shat and work experience is getting in the way... So I quickly typed this up for you guys :) You know the dilly.. Votes and comments merci! <3

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