Chapter 10

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Dion's P.O.V

As I fell back down onto the stained carpet I instantly thought of my mother. She would spend her usual Sundays at the church praying for God to protect me and lead me into the right path; she would cry every night to God and I never understood why - She was very religious and obviously she wanted me to be the same also. But I was really never into this whole 'Christian' business. Whenever she went church, I was laying in bed recuperating from a hangover or stoned from the night before.

Whenever she went to those prayers sessions I was out hanging around with the 'Black gang' smashing into cars and hanging around waiting for a girl to walk past - easy beat.. She hated everything I did but she never did once give up on me. Yeah I was rebel, a thug but she always had this special place in her heart for me, that's why I always say there is no woman on earth who could replace my mum. 

**I remember the night when I told her Sophia was pregnant and that I was the father. She was happy but sad, she knew I wasn't ready.. I haven't got any type of qualification that could get me a reasonable job and still I was heading towards an unstable life with crime. Infact I still can hear her exact words that kinda changed my whole view of things, you see I was only young but I thought I was an adult but she slapped me - emotionally and told me this :

"You're a baby yourself Dion, you're still my baby... you're not ready for a baby" she was well spoken, soft but sharp. She chose words that I would understand and would think on, a delicate choice made by her. She spoke accordlingly to her personality; soft, but her kindness shouldn't be taken as an advantage, you see she is soft but she can have her moments at times.


"Dion, please" I shook myself away from all thoughts and looked back down at Marcus, he clutched his wound and spat out a massive amount of blood, possibly choking on his own blood. I smiled down at him.

"Marcus, just die" I spoke again, looking back at the stained knife. I was surpise he hadn't died from the fierce blow but then again I didn't hit a nerve or anything so he still had that last breath inside of him.

"Don't you want-- to know?" he spoke again. His lips trembled as he spoke, his whole body trembled as the blood spurted out from his mouth and open wound.

"Know? know what?" I asked again, completely forgetting about everything and dumbstruck.

"Sophie....she's round these...ends" my eyes shot open. You idiot can you forget to ask such vital question!

"Tell me.." I ordered, bringing the knife closer to his neck - this time I will make sure I slice every nerve and vein in his body.

"Say...sorry" he stuttered, smiling to reveal his teeth covered in blood. - Say sorry? Say sorry?

"Are you stupid... I could just plunge this knife straight into your throat! Tell me before I make sure there is no life in you left" I roared, punching him in his jaw, wishing to deform his face.

"But I'm dying anyways....I don't give a f-"

"If you don't tell me, I will castrate you and shove your manhood down your throat..." I menacingly smiled back at him, swarming his face with the sharp edge of the knife.

"FINE" he yelled, coughing out more blood from within. "Round Kennedy's... I left her there" he panted and gasped for air, the blood must have clogged the inside of his throat, his words were blocked out but I could still hear him loud and clear.

"Thanks bruv" I picked myself up from the floor and held the knife firmly in my hands.. For some reason I wouldn't let go of it and I could feel that my strength had evaporated onto this weapon of sin and murder.

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