Chapter 14 - Breaking point

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“Mummy” Noah called, grabbing my cardigan as we walked through the high street.

“Yeah?” Noah looked at me and tried thinking of words to mash up; he looked so cute with his lips curled up and his nose high up.

“Home” He sighed, clutching onto his stomach. I held his hand tight as we walked through the busy crowds, I didn’t want to lose him at all. I looked at the time and saw it was only 4.

“Okay” I smiled down at him; I bought a few things anyway, enough to last for a few weeks or even month.

We traversed down the long roads and back onto a familiar narrow street that lead straight to Travis’ and Candy’s flat. As usual, the roads were grimy but the smell of jerk chicken had roamed the small corners of the streets – believe me when I say my tummy rumbled in a different manor.

I looked down and caught Noah licking his lips, poor guy must be hungry.

“You hungry babe?” I asked him, he looked at me and nodded “Okay, Mummy has some food at home yeah” I lightly laughed at him and he gleefully smiled back – He’s always satisfied.

As we got to a block of flats, something touched my shoulder. I jerked up.

I was afraid; I actually didn’t want to look behind me, so I decided to continue walking.

“Sophia” I stopped. No-one, not even Candy knows my name – apart from Travis. I slowly rotated so I could see the person calling me.

My eyes widened, I could feel the blood circulate around my body as my heart beat went into tempo.

“Louise?” I didn’t know how to react. My feet was glued onto the pavement, if you didn’t know, Louise was my ex-best friend from secondary, we haven’t talked since, well after her Dad made her go to some all-girls school because he wanted the best grades out of her and boys for her was becoming an issue.

We had separated for a long time, even though we promised each other we would keep in touch; Skype, Facebook or even MySpace wasn’t very helpful.

“You’re not going to give me a hug?” she hadn’t noticed Noah; I guess the shock of us meeting had got to her as well. Noah and I walked over, I let go of his hand and gave Louise a long and hard squeeze.

“I missed you” I whispered.

“I missed you too” We let go and stared at each other for a second – she has changed majorly, but I could still recognise her because of a few minor scars and cuts that remained permanent (fights).

After, we shook ourselves out of our little trance; she had noticed Noah bashfully standing behind me.

 “Who’s the little man?” She smiled, kneeling down to his level.

“Noah, my son” I giggled, placing my hand on his head.

“Awe, he’s well cute” She complimented.


I looked carefully at Louise, she had grown out of her small figure; she had become curvy, bustier and thicker. She had always been the loud mouthed, small girl but now she’s the loud mouthed big girl, well that’s only if she hasn’t changed.

Her hair had grown to shoulder length and her skin had gotten darker but a beautiful kind of tone.

“Louise you’ve changed” I said, she looked at me and smiled as if to say ‘Yeah I know’.

“Yeah, this is what happens when you’re a few weeks pregnant” she smiled.

“NO WAY!” I shouted, I could feel Noah jumping in his skin as I yelled, poor guy.

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