Chapter 6

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The sun had fallen and the moon arose from its hiding. It was the call for me to set off into the night and find him.  I swiftly put my jacket on, making sure I didn't make any noise; I didn't want to wake Noah up or even worst Auntie.

I tip-toed my way to Noah, who laid peacefully asleep - I was going to miss him, but I was doing this for the both of us, I missed Dion as much as he did. I gently kissed his head, successfully not making him twitch or jerk awake; If he awoke from his sleep he would ruin my plans. I smoothly went over to creak the door open, I had to avoid making abrupt sounds - especially when creeping down the stairs, I had to be careful with the steps that would moan and whine for a continuous amount of time, in fact the whining sound was loud enough to wake every one asleep.

I had to carry out this mission with calm, I couldn't be in a hurry, if I did, I would make a very dumb and avoidable mistake and boom, I would get caught. I had experience with this, especially when I wanted to meet up with Dion, I was a mischievous teenager and probably still am. I was at the foot of the doorway, carefully searching in my pockets to check if I had money; It would be a crime to runaway - No, leave without money.

Money - Check

Bag filled with useful contents - Check

Noah's picture - Definitely check

I was ready now, I opened the door feeling a warm lump form in my throat. I was nervous, it was only natural. As the door swiftly opened, my future and journey rested in front of me, the cool winds brushed past and pulled me into the abyss of dark thoughts - it was then I realised, this was more then just a journey... it was definitely going to be bumpy, without a single doubt... But I was ready.


A rumbling cacophony of sound filled the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the 'clickety clack' of steel on steel. Like a bullet from a gun the train burst from the dark tunnel. A squeal of brakes pierced the air.

It was only me and a few people, awaiting for the last train.

I dropped my bag on the ground, embracing the cob web smell around, only the electronic sound from above was talking.

It was late at night, the underground wasn't occupied with business people or teenagers heading home. It was peaceful.

The train, squeaked past me, blowing me off course. I picked my bag up and walked into the train guarded by two sliding doors.

"Please mind the gap" said the annoying lady, ever since I was little, I wondered who kept saying that...

I took a seat on the colourful green chairs and watched my reflection as the train jerked forwards, the lights flickered every second and my reflection darkened once the train moved further along the tracks.

Slowly, I shut my eyes.

Flashback :- Noah's birth.

The pain was unbearable, as I pushed I could feel the baby stretch and convolve inside me. I grabbed hold of Dion's hand who was standing next to me, through labour. He kissed me and told me to stay calm and push; just how we learned at those lessons every Thursday.

"Push Sophia, the baby is nearly out" Shouted the Midwife, keeping my legs far apart as possible. I breathed in the gas which was supplied for me and continued to push. I wanted this baby out. I screamed and winced in pain...

"Come baby, your doing well" Dion kissed, caressing my hand with his loose thumb. I didn't want him to let go, I only had him and this midwife.

"Your nearly there love, just one more push" Said the midwife, I could feel the baby forcefully pushing its head out of me, I screamed and pushed hard enough with the possibility of releasing my intestines from within.

After my last push, I heard the beautiful cry... the cry every mother loves to hear after giving birth..

My baby.

I felt a single dry tear, drop from my swollen eye, I was proud of myself for successfully giving birth without problems.

"Well done Sophia, you got yourself a baby boy" The midwife handed me the baby, dressing him with a blue towel and wiping the blood from his beautiful face.

"That's our little boy, baby" I heard Dion's voice break when he said that.. "I love you Sophia..." He kissed me softly before taking the baby from me.

"You have a long time to think about his name" said the midwife, sculpturing a welcoming smile on her olive tanned skin.

"Thank you" I had to thank her, she was the reason why I had the strength to push my baby out.

I watched Dion rock the baby back and forth in his arms, pulling funny faces at the baby.  I stared on to them both and thought to myself.

My two boys, the only two boys I'll live for.


I found myself, already at Stratford station. Blissfully taking in the freezing winds.. I never knew it would be this cold. I looked at the time on my wrist; 1am. Where should I go?

I strolled my way onto the train station benches, and relaxed there for a bit. Watching the last few travellers walk by like headless zombies. If I was lucky I would catch Marcus and Dion round here.. If not, then I would sleep on the streets... Not really my cup of tea,

"Sophia?" I turned my face to see only Marcus approaching me, with a wide spread grin and a can of beer in his left hand.

"Hey? where's Dee?" I asked, looking behind him. He walked up to me forcefully hugging me.. He smelt of dry beer and weed. Not very attractive.

"Oh, asleep init" he answered, handing the beer my way. I simply rejected the offer and gestured for him to move along so we could talk.

"So where are we going?" I asked, lifting my bag up and swinging it across my shoulder carelessly.

"Mine, come lets walk" he led the way out of the station and onto the more freezing road. I casually clutched my jacket around my frame to keep myself warm; I didn't want him to notice.

"Why you guys here? Why didn't Dee tell me anything?" I questioned, facing ahead.

" 'Cause I said its for your safety.. Where's Noah?" He only just realised?

"With my Auntie"

We continued walking along the narrow roads, leading to the back of flats and local corner shops..  The walk must of took at least 20 minutes if not more, I felt my legs give up on me as I took one step further.

"Wait... you need to hold my hand"  he stopped and looked at me with his fingers wiggling around for mine to fill the gaps between.

"Why?" I questioned, staring at him with a quizzical expression.

"Just do it" He pulled my hand and roughly made me hold it.. I gently pinched him and he laughed... Some weird guy.

"Why are you taking me here?" I had to ask, as we moved along I could see a dark and cold corner.

"Shh" he reassured, dragging me over.

"Marc..." I whined, finding myself tumbling over the empty chicken and chip boxes and plastic bags dancing around.

He pushed me against the hard wall and covered my mouth with his hand.

"Don't make a sound... It will be painful" he stopped, then tugged at my jeans, pulling them down vigioursly, he then continued "You won't enjoy it, I'm not your Dion"

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