Chapter 12

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I faced my Auntie properly and watched her shift away from me.

"Dad?" I questioned, I haven't seen him for ages and now he decides to just come out of the blue and visit? Why do people always do this to me? They just disappear without any reason behind it and think its perfectly alright to come out of the blue? Go die please.

"Your Dad came back from Ghana this morning, he decided to come visit you but you obviously wasn't here, he played with Noah for a bit and told me he would come back tomorrow" She spoke, coming back to her usual self.

"Travis, please take Noah in the car, I want to talk to my Auntie for a bit" I kissed his cheek and he took Noah away. This was going to be a long night. I fixed my dress and hair properly, I can feel myself being out of place.

"He misses you Sophia" She whispered, looking away from me.

"Missed me?" I asked, almost feeling myself break down into hysterics. "Missed me?" I repeated once more, I threw myself into a deep motion of laughter, forgetting about the situation and looking at the more humorous side of it. "Did you remind him that he was one that left?" I asked, bringing myself back to reality.

"N-no" Auntie watched me cautiously. I guess she was taken back by my erratic behaviour.

"Why? I mean didn't you always tell me to tell the truth?" I reminded her, stepping towards her with my eyebrow cocked up.

"Sophia, don't you dare" She hissed at me.

"What?" I looked her straight in the eye and laughed.

"Why have you become this way? Have you been taking drugs?" Okay that made me roll on the floor with laughter.

"Auntie, I want both my parents to exit themselves out of my life, they have been nothing to me" I spoke, avoiding her dumb questions.

"Do you want me to exit myself out of your life?" Auntie asked, looking serious and hurt.

"No, because you was actually there for me" She looked at me and gave me the parental stare, at first I was confused but then I realized I hadn't introduced Travis.

You see my Auntie and I, usually never can stay angry at each other for long, so she casually attempts to change the topic so we can both avoid the harsh awkwardness.

"Who is this Mr. sexy sexy you come with in my house?" She questioned, leaning against the wall with both arms crossed.

"Travis" I answered, half blushing.


"Who's Travis?" a male voice merging from down the stairs cut my Auntie from mid sentence, I looked up to see who it was but all I could see was his top half. I could recognise the voice but I just couldn't figure out who he was.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking at my Auntie confused.

"Malachi, Dion's brother, remember?" he was now down the stairs, full view.

"Why are you in my Aunties yard?" I questioned, totally surprised and totally confused.

"My brother left, you know? I thought he would be here but obviously not" Malachi shrugged, stuck in his place.

"Auntie, why are you letting frogs in your house?" I looked at her with a straight face.

"Frogs? eh, your rude Sophia, Malashway is not a frog" she argued back, messing up his name at the same time, fail.

"It's Malachi" he sighed, I guess he had enough of correcting her, hah.

"Malachi, where is your brother?" I turned to face him, looking bothered. I had given up on searching for him a long time ago but I had to look like I cared.

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