Jason x Reader

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Requested by: vcghost18

"Why do I have to sit out?" I looked at Jason as he was prepping his bullets.

"It's a group mission. You hate people you don't know, and crowds." He said, pointing to his helmet, which I threw at him.

"But I'm bored!" I spun in my spinny chair.

"You can hang with Kori or Roy." He said.

"First of all, Kori said she had a date in case you forgot. Also, Roy went drinking." I said.

"Then, do some cleaning. It's a mess." He said.

"It's your mess!" I frowned.

"You contributed!" he retorted.

"I'm not cleaning your junk." I crossed my arms.

"Fine. Then, go watch a movie." he smiled, putting on his helmet. "See ya kiddo!" He waved and drove off. 

"I'm not a kiddo! I'm almost 18!" I yelled as he got farther away. I sighed, making sure everything was locked before going upstairs to watch something.

I turned on the tv, to see it was the evening news. "The newest vigilante in town, one with spider powers. Witness' have claimed seeing this masked hero swinging through alleys, over cars and rooftops, leaving multiple spider webs behind. Citizens have begun calling our new hero, Spidergirl."

"They wash off with water." I pouted crossing my arms.

"Multiple villains have been captured by this new hero, all of whom now claim to hate spiders." The news anchor said as the images of captured villains and spiders appeared on screen.

"Officers say they have no intention of hunting down this new hero, seeing as how they have done nothing wrong to ordinary civilians or property. Now, onto sports with Eli." the screen changed.

"Gotham has a sports team?" I wondered, watching Eli talk about some basketball game.

bzzt! bzzt!

I looked down at my watch, seeing it was a distress signal from Jay. I quickly went downstairs and tracked his signal. "Harding? That's on the other side of the city!" I quickly ran to get my suit.

"Where's my (super) suit!!?" I panicked and began flinging things around in a hurry.


"How did we ALL get captured..." The four brothers stared at each other. Each tied to a chair, a single rope holding all four of them over a pit of a mysterious boiling liquid. 

"Aren't you glad Bat's is busy on a different planet?" Jason asked.

"Yes, how will we ever explain we all got knocked out by sleeping gas." Dick replied, staring at the liquid below them.

"Either joker got smarter or we were careless." Tim mumbled looking up at the rope holding all four of them.

"Anyone have ideas?" Damian asked, squirming a bit, as if to try reach for a knife or something of that sort.

"Remarkable, our weights are being equally distributed and if one of us were to try escape the other four would fall." Tim said.

"We can tell without an explanation." Jason rolled his eyes from under his helmet. "She's taking a while." Jason thought.

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