Jason x reader

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"So, what did you do this time?" I asked as Jason lay his head in my lap.

"Stopped some robbery, and helped myself to a couple of beers and a burger on a bar roof." He mumbled playing with the fingers on my left hand.

"I told you that I can always make you dinner, beer and a burger isn't good for you." I said playing with his hair with my right hand.

"Yeah, but we have different schedules." He mumbled and I sighed knowing he was right.

"Want to go sleep?" I asked as he yawned.

"Yeah, let's go..." he mumbled and sat up from my lap. I led him to my room and we cuddled in my bed.

The next morning, I made some breakfast. A plate of mini heart waffles, 2 cups of coffee with syrup and milk on the side.

 A plate of mini heart waffles, 2 cups of coffee with syrup and milk on the side

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"That smells great." I heard Jason whisper in my ear as his arms went around my waist.

"I know." I smiled and Jay kissed my cheek. "I love your cooking.." He whispered and rocked me side to side.

I laughed and turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Let's eat." I said kissing him softly.


Jason has spent the past 3 hours pampering me. I was now in his lap as he played with my hair and his head buried in my back. "Do you want a massage?" He asked me.

"Huh?" I asked turning to him.

He lifted me off of his lap and lay me on the couch before laying over me. "I asked if you want a massage." he said caressing my cheek.

"Alright, what do you want?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me.

"You're only this sweet when you want something." I said and he sighed.

"Dick needs help on this next assignment... apparently Penguin bought an island, and managed to turn it into a drug ring. He's using his birds to communicate, and deliver the drugs.." he said and I nodded.

"Okay, but why does he need you for?" I asked curious.

"He needs me to be the lookout. Him and Tim will be inside. I will be covering there backs from a mountain. The only way in and out is by chopper." He said and I frowned.

"That's very.." I sighed and lay my head on his chest. "I don't like it, it's too well planned to be Penguin.." I muttered. 

"Trust me, I know." He said softly and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't like the only way in and out is by chopper either." I said.

"Hey, trust me. I'll come home safe, and I'll make sure everyone comes back safe as well. Okay?" He asked and I sighed then nodded.

"Alright, I trust you." I said and he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.


It's been 3 days, and Jason, Tim and Dick haven't come back yet. I was currently driving to the manor, to see if Bruce, or Dami had any information.

"Nothing?" I asked when I got to the bat cave.

" 'fraid not, sorry Miss (Y/n)." Alfred said holding a tray with 3 cups on it.

"I see..." I sighed and saw Bruce and Dami monitoring the bat computer.

"Will you be staying the night?" I heard Bruce ask me.

"Yeah, I will." I said and Bruce nodded before informing Alfred.

That night, I was the only one eating, but Titus kept me company. Alfred, and Dami were both downstairs. Bruce went out on patrol.

"Woof!" I looked down at Titus and smiled and pet his head.

"Yeah, you're right.. they're okay.. I believe in them." I smiled and Titus stood on his hind legs and licked my face.

"Man, I'm sore all over!" 

"You had the best seat!"

"Both of you shut it."


"Can't wait to shower."

"Jay?" I called out and stood up. I heard footsteps and I saw Jason come around the corner into the kitchen. I smiled and ran to him. He smiled and caught me and spun me around a couple times before setting me down.

"Hello beautiful.." he mumbled placing his forehead on mine.

"Missed you.." I said and cupped his cheek.

"missed you too.." he said and held the hand cupping his cheek, giving it a soft squeeze.

"Get a room!" Dick teased and him and Tim walked away. Jason gave me a quick kiss before pulling me with him to his room.

"I almost forgot.." he said when we got to the top of the stairs. He turned to me and pulled something out of his jacket. "Happy birthday." he smiled and I looked at it to see couple necklaces.

" he smiled and I looked at it to see couple necklaces

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"I never thought you liked things like these." I said picking one up.

"Dick said to get something nice.. and I couldn't think of anything pretty that would fit both of us, so I hope you don't mind. He said and put his in his pocket and clasped mine around my neck.

"I love you Jason Peter Todd." I smiled and he pulled me up into a kiss that turned into a make out session in his room.

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