Batfam x batmom

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Requested by: Anya4608

"Movie night!" Dick cheered as he scrolled through his laptop to find something to watch.

"I want murder mystery, horror." Tim said as he picked his seat.

"I don't want chick flicks." Jason added.

"Not boring." Was all Damian said.

"It's Dick's turn to pick the movie so shush all of you." I said handing them their popcorn.

"Dick's always mom's favorite." Jason said with a smirk which caused Bruce to walk up and lightly hit his head.

"Deserved." Tim smiled.

Bruce and I went over to our own seats as Dick set up the movie. "I picked it!" He said and hopped over the counter and onto an empty seat. It was the Disney movie, Encanto.

"I hate you golden
boy." I heard Jason whisper loudly.

I just leaned against Bruce as we watched the movie. The songs were fun and the visuals were beautiful.

During the middle of the movie, Bruce said he had to take a call and had to leave for a bit. It was one of the two jobs so I let him go and continued to watch the movie.

After the movie finished, Dick seemed to be satisfied that he made Jason watch the entire movie. Damian seemed to enjoy it, or at least not hate it, and Tim managed to fall asleep.

"Timmie, sweetie." I quietly called out his name as his brothers cleaned up the popcorn, drinks and snacks.

"5 more minutes mom.." Tim mumbled.

"I know honey, but you should sleep in your room okay?" I asked and he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I'll go.." he grumbled.

"Boys, I'll be right back." I told the three brothers as I walked Tim to his room, slightly worried he'd bump into random things on the way to his room.

"I'm not a child mom." Tim spoke through a yawn.

"Did you enjoy Dick's movie?" I asked as I closed the curtains to his room.

"I liked the uncles, they were fun." He mumbled.

"Alright, sweet dreams sweetie." I smiled ruffling his hair, and closing the door on my way out.

I went back to see the three brothers finished cleaning. "Damian would definitely get the power to talk to animals." I saw the three of them sitting at the counter eating some sour candy strips.

"Mine would definitely be something like flying." Dick said.

"I want something like invisibility maybe. Pranks would be so much easier." Jason replied.

"Oh, and what do you think mine would be?" I walked up to the three of them.

"Hi mom." Dick smiled at me.

"Enjoy the movie ma?" Jason asked.

"Yes, I did." I said and sat next to Damian who handed me a sour candy strip. "Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Mom should get the ability of... let's see... I think the shapeshifting one was cool!" Dick said.

"I guess, but wouldn't that be useful for one of you guys?" I asked.

"It's not about usefulness, its about what fits best."

"Oh? So you think your mother has many different identities?" I teased.

"Adaptable, mother is adaptable to surroundings." Damian explained.

"Thank you Dami." I ruffled his hair.

"Bruce would definitely be the super strength one." Jason laughed.

"What would you guys pick for Alfred?" I asked them.

"Alfred himself is a superpower." Dick replied.

"Agreed." Jason nodded, going to the fridge to get sodas.

Later that night, as I was getting ready for bed, I found Bruce standing out on our balcony. "Well, this is a rare sight to see." I said as I walked up to him. "Not going out tonight?" I asked as I stood next to him.

"The boys can handle it." He told me.

"You okay? You've been quiet." I leaned forward, peeking at his face.

"That movie earlier, do you think I'm similar to that grandmother?" He asked me.

I stared at Bruce blankly, not expecting him to say this. Of course Bruce had high expectations for his boys, and sometimes things got out of hand but he did his best to teach them with his limited knowledge of parenting.

"Are you asking if I think you're... oppressive?" I asked him with no response. "I think sometimes you are too hard on the boys, and yourself." I began, "and your communication could be improved, all of you. But, I know you love the boys." I reached my hand out to hold his in mine. His hands were roughed and callous compared to my own. "And, you are prepared to let go. You let Dick go be his own hero, you accepted Jason again, you let Tim take charge and gain confidence in himself, and you love Damian without forcing him to do anything. Although you are a bit stubborn and have a temper, and there were a bit of rocky areas in between..." I smiled at him.

"I don't know if you complemented me or not." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Feel better?" I asked. He hummed lightly, hugging me tighter. "Also, if I find you ever forcing the boys, I'm leaving you." I smiled at him. "Not really, but I will go on a trip and not tell him." I thought as he just stared at me.


SRY its short and took so long!

Hope you like it. :)

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