Dick x reader

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"Nathan, come here!" I said as I finished the Mac and Cheese.

"Coming Mummy!" Nathan said running into the kitchen.

I reached down and picked him up and set him in his high chair. "Are you excited for today?" I asked and he smiled nodding.

"Uncle Wally and Aunty Arty are taking me to the zoo!!" He said happily.

 "Make sure you behave, or Aunty Arty might not let you have any cotton candy!" I said giving him his bowl.

Nathan gasped dramatically and I just ruffled his hair as he ate his lunch. "Mummy! I'm done!" He cried and I looked up at him from my seat next to him and his plate was clean.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned and dressed all handsome." I said picking him up.

I got Nate dressed in a simple blue hoodie with brown shorts. "We should get you a haircut soon." I said as I ran my hands through his hair.

"No, I like this! Then mummy can play with it." he said fixing his hair and I kissed the tip of his nose.

"(Y/n)!" I heard my name and a knock on my door.

"Uncle Wally!" Nate said and ran downstairs and flung the door open. By the time I was downstairs, Wally was tickling Nate while Artemis was laughing by the door.

"Sorry to bother you guys." I said as Artemis closed the door.

"It's okay (Y/n)." Wally said with Nate on his shoulders.

"Well, hope you guys have fun." I said after we talked for a bit.

"We'll be back before bedtime." Wally said before walking to the car.

"Bye Mummy!" Nate waved and I looked at Artemis.

"3 years gone by fast." she sighed smiling and I nodded.

"Yeah, it did.." I said and looked at Nate.

"You should give Dick a call, he's been worried about you." Artemis said and I shrugged.

"We both made our choices.." I said softly and Artemis gave me another hug before going to Wally and Nathan.


"Dick, we need to talk." I said walking up to him as he researched on his computer.

"I'm busy babe." he said opening a new tab and typing in a new set of codes.

"I know but, you haven't held Nathan yet, just for a while? I want him to see his dad." I said slightly bouncing our son in my arms.

"Yeah, later babe." he said and I sighed taking Nathan back to the nursery. I know that I shouldn't bother him when he's working, especially when it's "just holding our son" but he hasn't held Nathan since he was born, and that was 4 months ago. Nathan held my finger and I smiled and kissed his little fingers before rocking him to bed singing a simple lullaby.

I looked at my little angel's sleeping face and I smiled before getting a rocking chair and sleeping with him. My bed was only 3 steps away, but I wanted to be closer to him in case he woke up.

After another month of Dick staying up late, but now working on a different case, I decided it was time to make a choice. I put Nate down for bed and went to confront Dick. I walked into his office and closed his laptop and he froze and looked up at me, "Yes?" he asked.

"We need to talk. Now." I said and he got up and looked me in the eye, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"It can't wait until morning?" he asked yawning.

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