Bruce x (latina) Reader part 2

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Requested by:Superheroe_fan 

Sorry it took so long! I hope you liked it.


"Finished?" I asked Bruce as he came back into the private room and sat down on the dinner table.

"I'm really sorry about that." He sat back down and sighed.

"Bad news?" I asked.

"No, no. Just deadlines." He smiled at me.

"The boys are late too." I sighed. "I hope they're okay." I said as I stared out the window and out to the street.

"Bludhaven is far, they'll be here soon." Bruce smiled and I smiled in return.

We talked about idle subjects, waiting for our boys. The door opened about 15 minutes later, and the four boys rushed in with Alfred calmly closing the door behind them.

"Sorry we're late." Dick was the first to apologize as they all took their seats.

"Grayson was busy reproducing." Damian said causing Dick to get embarrassed.

"Yup, totally his fault." Jason added as he leaned back in his seat. The four of them giving each other a variety of looks, glances and glares.

I calmly smiled, getting used to this sort of thing. "Boys, let's start eating?" I asked and they agreed, stopping with their antics.


"Mother." I looked at Damian, who had recently started calling me mother. I didn't ask him to, I don't hate it but Bruce and I have not been together long enough to consider marriage. Though I am not 100% sure on the family, or at least the motherly situation of the four boys so I let them call me however they feel as long as it isn't stupid.

"Yes Damian?" I asked, crouching down to his height.

"This is for you." He handed me a box.

"Oh? Can I open it?" I asked and he nodded.

Opening the box was a cute artwork of me. "Aw's beautiful" I spoke in Spanish looking at the painting in the box, placing it aside and holding Damian's hand in mine. "Thank you very much. I love it." I smiled and lightly ruffled his hair.


"Where did you get that! Come back here!" I chased Jason as he smiled running around the living room.

"Can't catch me ma!" He smiled rubbing up to the second floor.

"When I get my hands on you-!" I sighed not bothering to chase him upstairs.

"What does he have?" Dick asked, popping out from the kitchen.

"... a photo, from my.... Embarrassing years.." I told him, not wanting to elaborate.

"Ooh, I wanna see." Dick smiled walking up the stairs.

"Thank you madam for not throwing any sandals their way today." Alfred said as he handed me some water.

"... I still do owe you a vase..." I mumbled. "Thank you for the water." I accepted the chilled glass.

Days passed and I had eventually moved into the manor. Everyday was always something different, I loved all the boys, although they did often times get on my nerves when they fought with each other, or more usually, with Bruce. 

I lightly slapped Jason as he was getting riled up. "All of you, take a break." I ushered everyone to different areas of the room. I walked up to Bruce, who was scowling, staring at the giant computer. "And I thought my family was something to get used to." I smiled at him. Bruce looked at me, and easily pulled me onto his lap.

"They listen to you so well." Bruce said.

"Hopefully it's out of respect not fear.." I thought, thinking back to the many fights I had with the boys. Mostly them teasing and taking it a bit too far.

"What were you guys fighting about this time?" I asked Bruce.

"Nothing big." he said, looking up at me. I could tell he was keeping a secret by not telling me.

"Fine, I won't ask." I rolled my eyes, walking over to the 4 boys who were huddled together in a group.

"So, your father won't tell me the topic of the argument. Do any of you want to tell me?" I asked them.

"Sorry mother, it's a secret." Damian was the first to speak up.

"Oh, you all too?" I asked, crossing my arms, wondering what they were trying to hide from me.

"It's nothing bad. Promise." Tim immediately told me.

Soon enough, I found out what they were arguing about, and keeping a secret. I stared at the ring in front of me. Then up at Bruce, who just smiled at me. "You.. I- really?" I asked him.

"More than anything." he assured me.

"Yes." I smiled holding the box that held the ring. 

"Let me." Bruce took the ring and slipped it onto my finger.

"Can we finally all call you mom?" Dick popped up behind me.

"It's about time." Jason came in, behind him was Tim and Damian. 

"Back then, we were fighting with Bruce about the proposal." Dick explained to me.

"Father was hesitant, but we all wanted you as our mother." Damian explained.

"Master Bruce also stepped foot in the kitchen to make today's dinner. With some help of course." Alfred came out with desserts.

"You're all ... "I smiled and just hugged them, not expecting this to happen.

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