Bruce x Batmom

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Requested by: stydiax99


I got a call and looked at my phone. I recognized the number, one I thought I'd never see again. I bit my lip and clicked the green button, and held my phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked.

"You are one hard girl to find." He said to me with a chuckle.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I need you to do a job for me." he said.

"I told you, I'm done working for you." I said quietly, and walked out of the kitchen and into the garden, thankful I had the manor to myself at the moment.

"If you don't, then you can't blame me if the press gets news of the future Mrs. Wayne, and her troubled past. We wouldn't want that now would we?" He said.

"Screw you.." I said and he just laughed.

"Are you in or not?" He asked.

"One job?" I asked.

"Just one." he said.

"Will you be calling me again after this?" I asked.

"I swear on your mothers grave that I won't." he said.

"... Deal." I said and we both hung up. I then got a text with all the necessary information.

"1433 Becker St. Weapons Deal. Next week, Midnight, money drop. Pick up weapons at dock." I read quietly and put away my phone. I knew that I'd have to meet with this supplier to make sure things go the way my dad wants.

I sighed and walked back in the manor. At the same time, I heard the front door open and 2 male voices talking. I put on a smile and went to the living room to find Bruce, talking with Alfred. "Welcome home." I said catching their attention.

Bruce immediately smiled and pulled me by the waist, into a loving sweet kiss. "I'm home." he said softly kissing me again and I smiled running my fingers trough his hair. "What do you say, dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Sorry, but I already made plans with (friend)." I said and he slightly pouted and I laughed kissing his cheek. "Forgive me, maybe next time." I said and he kissed my forehead before picking me up bridal style and up into our shared bedroom.

"Then, I should spend some time with my lovely fiancé before she has to leave." he said closing the door behind him with his foot. I smiled as he lay me on the bed and crawled over me, taking off his clothes one by one...


I've been avoiding Bruce, and the kids, and declining all their offers on going out, using my friend as an excuse. It was the day before the trade off. I was going to a cafe later today to meet with one of dad's minions, so they can give me the money for the weapons.

"(Y/n)?" I turned smiling at Bruce.

"Yeah babe?" I asked walking towards him.

"You're sure dressed up." He said looking at my outfit.

"Oh, I'm meeting a friend at the new cafe in the city." I said looking at the time on my phone.

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