Tim x reader

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Requested by: FeelingTheMode


"Team, this is Supergirl." I smiled up at Nightwing as he introduced me to everyone. 

"It's nice to meet you all." I said and my eyes landed on Conner. He seemed surprised to see me. I waved and he waved in return.

"Are you really Superman's daughter?" I saw it was Impulse, or Kid Flash.

"Yeah." I said.

"Cool, name's Bart Allen. You can call me Bart. Wanna race?" he asked.

"Maybe later." Nightwing said. "Why don't you guys show her around?" He said and Bart volunteered.

"Alright then, Kid, Robin, why don't you also join them?" Nightwing suggested.

"Huh?" Robin seemed surprised. "Alright." he said.

"Hi Robin." I smiled and his ears turned a bit red and he nodded and began walking to start the tour.

I was shown the training room, which was also the room where we had meetings and got assigned missions. Then it was the kitchen where Miss Martian usually was. Next was the Living Room. Then I was shown the many entrances and exits in and out of the mountain. Finally it was the rooms. "Most of us have you know, homes, but sometimes we have long missions and we're too tired to go home, so we all have our own rooms." Bart said.

"That's convenient." I smiled.

"I'll show you mine!" He said and grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall to his room. He had a bunch of old movies, VCR's, and some souvenirs from past missions.


In the past month, I've grown close to Bart, Conner, and Robin. In that order as well. Bart was easy to get along with, Conner usually asks about dad, but he's a nice big brother of sorts. Robin was friendly but kept me at a distance for some reason. I thought it would be rude to ask, so I didn't.

I was waiting for my turn to spar. Conner agreed to spar with me, so I was excited. 

I was waiting for Robin and Wonder girl to finish sparing. I looked over at Conner, "Are they dating?" I asked and he just shrugged.

Robin lost and I went to help him up. He thanked me and I smiled, "No problem." I heard a scoff and turned seeing Wondergirl walking away. I turned back to Robin. "Everything okay?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I heard you sigh." I said.

"Oh that, it's nothing, just tired." he said and I nodded.

"Make sure to get some rest then." I smiled and he smiled in return and walked away.

I started my spar with Conner. I was naturally stronger, but he had more tactics then I, and I ended up losing. Which honestly, made me upset.


"Why so down?" Bart asked sitting next to me.

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