Chapter 12

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Scarlett's P.O.V
I shriek as Alex collapses at my very feet. I bend down and check for his pulse. I breathe a sigh of relief to feel the somewhat steady heartbeat through his neck. I quickly grab my phone call 911.

Operator: "911, what is your emergency?

My boyfriend collapsed on the ground and is unconscious." I say, petrified.

Operator: "Ok Sweetie, calm down. Is he still breathing?" She asks calmly. I look down at Alex and see the shallow rise and fall of his chest.

"Yes, he is breathing, very shallow but he is breathing." I say regaining my composure.

Operator: "Ok, what is your location?"

"3409 River Street at Linda Vista High School, were at the front entrance."

Operator: "ok, we're sending an ambulance to you now, just stay calm and make sure he stays breathing."

"Ok, do I stay on the phone with you?" I ask
Operator: "Yes." She says.
In the distance I hear a faint rising of a siren. I look at Alex. He is still breathing. "Hang in there baby." I whisper to him. Suddenly the ambulance comes tearing through the parking lot. Two men jump out the back with a gurney and put Alex on it and wheeled him into the back of the ambulance. I run into the back of it. One of the men is about to object when I half yell.

"I'm his girlfriend, I'm coming too." The men look at each other than nod at me. They put an oxygen mask on Alex and soon we were racing to the hospital. I hold Alex's almost lifeless hand, and it slightly curls back around mime as If he feels me, but is too weak to hold it back. I smile softly. Soon enough we reach the hospital and they wheel Alex into the ER. I sit in the waiting room, anxiously shaking my leg, and nervously picking the nail polish off my nails. Alex's mom and who I'm guessing is his little sister come in after I texted them the news on Alex's phone after finally getting the finger scan to work with his limp hand. I stand up and hug his mom who looked like she'd been crying, I know I look like that. I see Maddie she looks petrified and worried, her piercing blue eyes look up at me. I see that it's from their dad, whom I've never met. I kneel down and open my arms and she runs into them. I hug her back and look at her, and wipe a stray tear from her face.

"Your brother will be alright, you know how stubborn he is." I say, knowing it's true.

"Yea." She says with a slight smile tugging at her lips. Suddenly the doctor comes in.

"Alexander Pierce?" He calls for us.
We walk towards the doctor and he leads us to Alex's room. When we enter his room he is on the bed in a hospital gown, pale as a ghost, looks frail, hooked up to an IV, as well as a heart monitor. I run to his bedside and hold his cold, soft, boney hand. His fingers curl around mine, and his eyes flutter open. His eyes are no longer that piercing blue, they are now a dark gray. He stretches his legs than his arms. Maddie sees him awake and runs to him and hugs him. She cries in his chest and he weakly strokes her hair whispering something inaudible to her. She nods and goes to their mother. Before I knew it my tear dam gave in and I was crying in his chest. He pets me softly, and kisses my head. Suddenly, the Doctor comes in.
"There is no easy way to say this..............Alex has Stage 3 Lung Cancer."

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