Chapter 15

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*Scarlett's POV*
I exit my PE and Health class and head to my locker, only to find....Alex!?

"Alex!? What are you doing here?!" I scold him.

" I was worried about you, did Darren hurt you?" He asks a bit of panic in his voice as he starts checking my limbs for damage.
"He tried, but I did the self defense move you taught me, and he was on his back in an instant." I snap my fingers for emphasis, feeling proud of myself.

The corners of his mouth lift into a smile and his eyes go back to a calm state. "I'm so proud of you, I told you that you're very strong." He says calmly. He hugs me hitting a bruise that I guess is from when the dumb jock rammed me into the locker, I flinch and wince. Alex looks at me, puzzled. He turns me around and lifts up my shirt revealing only my lower back and mutters
"I'll kill him.."

"What?" I ask not sure what he sees.

He takes a picture with his phone and shows me my back with a giant black and blue splotch I gasp and cover my mouth.
"Well no wonder why it hurt." I giggle trying to lighten the mood. I look at him and his eyes are menacing, they kind of are frightening me but, I shake it off.
"Hey, "I cup his head in my hands and bring it down and kiss his lips gently, making his eyes soften and a blush rise to his cheeks.
"I'm ok, I taught that dingbat a lesson, I don't think he'll bother me for a while." I smile and he nods.

"Ok, enough with my triumph or whatever, you shouldn't be out of the hospital! I understand that you were worried but, still your life could be at stake if you have another episode." I scold, kind of half yelling.

He hangs his head.

"I know, I just had to make sure you're ok. I have faith in you but, you're my girlfriend. I get overprotective a lot, ill or not, nothing will stop me from getting here to make sure you're ok." He says determination in his voice.
It takes all I have not to aww and hug the living crap out of him.

"That's sweet, but still, it's not worth risking your life." I say calmly.

"It is to me." He says seriously. I blush and hug him gently. He coughs, and his hands turn clammy. I pull away and look at him. He looks at me scared and I take his hand an drag him to my car. He buckles in and coughs again. I try to stay calm to keep him calm. I get in quickly, turn the ignition and pull out of the parking lot. I keep an eye on him and drive in a safe hurried fashion. In my peripheral vision I see him start to nod off. "Crap!" I yell internally. I grab his shoulder and shake him "Alex, stay with me, were almost there." I say with a minuscule hint of panic in my voice. He opens his eyes slightly.

"I'm so tired.." He whispers.

"I know, but you have to stay awake until we get you to the hospital." I say calmly.

"Ok, I'll try.." He says, voice fading. I keep my hand on his shoulder.

He starts to drift off again. I shake him a bit harder this time.
"Alex, come on baby, stay with me." I practically beg. He groans and coughs a lot more rasp this time.
I pull into the ER drive through. I put the car in park with my hazards on. I unbuckle him and get out and help him out of the car. I drape his arm over my shoulders and proceed to help him into the ER as fast as possible.
"Help! Someone please, my boyfriend is having some sort of cancer attack!" I yell, my voice cracking.
A nurse comes in with a gurney, they put Alex onto the gurney and roll him somewhere unknown to me with a breathing mask on his face. I pray for him to be ok. I go into the waiting room and break down crying.

Alex's P.O.V
I open my eyes to see I'm back in the hospital. "Great.... Wait... Where's Scar?! She was just with me!" I scream internally. I start to panic and my anxiety starts to surface. The nurse runs in.

"Mr. Pierce, calm down, what's the matter!?" She asks, attempting to hold me still.

"Scar, where's Scarlet my girlfriend! Her hair explains her name!" I panic, raising my voice.

"She's in the waiting room, she's fine, please calm down or I'll have no choice but to sedate you." She says rather calm. My body quits shaking and I start to calm down knowing she's ok. I let my body sink back in to the hospital mattress.

"Ok, can you please bring her here?" I ask, hopeful that she'll let me after my panic attack.

"Sure." She said smoothing down her scrubs before walking out. "Thank God..." I mumble to myself. I hear the door creak open and soon see Scar's slim figure and long, bright, red hair. I smile
"Hey, love." I say softly. I see her bottom lip quiver, before she runs and hugs me before breaking down sobbing. I gently pet her hair and try to soothe her, as weak as I am. She looks up at me. My heart breaks seeing her like this. I lean down and gently press my lips against hers and she smiles lightly. I pick her up and lay her next to me, draping my arm over her shoulders as she snuggles into my chest. I smile and rest my head back against the surprisingly soft pillow. I soon hear her slow rhythmic breathing, signaling that she had fallen asleep. I gently cloak our bodies with the blanket and rub Scar's back slowly and gently, not wanting to wake her. My eye lids become heavy and I'm soon into dream land.

Scarlett's P.O.V
I feel heat on my face and am awoken by a blinding light. I turn over a bit and feel a shift. I smile remembering the night before this. I look around my surroundings and notice that I'm cloaked in a blanket, Alex's arm is around me and is gently resting on my back. The room is silent besides the slow beeping of the heart monitor and Alex's slight snoring with an oxygen mask on his face. His hair is mussed, his skin is pale, but yet he is so relaxed. I gently reach my hand up to his cheek, caressing it. He leans into my hand and I smile. I slip my hand into his, intertwining our fingers. He squeezes my hand tightly and shifts. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, and his body tension lessens. I smile and kiss his neck gently. His snoring stops and he starts to wake up, taking off the oxygen mask, turning off the machine and puts the mask on the night table.

"Morning, love." He says in a deep husky voice.

"Morning, sleep well?" I ask.

"Very, I haven't slept that well since I've been here." He says before clearing his throat.

"I'm glad to hear that." I respond.

"What about you? Did you sleep well?" He asks genuinely concerned.

"I slept great, the stolid sun woke me up." I answer honestly. He chuckles, as do I.

" By the way, do you know you snore?" I giggle, and his cheeks flare up.

"I-I do not..." He stutters, obviously embarrassed.

"Yes you do, it's actually pretty cute." I say earnestly. He turns brighter red.

"Um, thanks. I think?" He questions while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"You're a big cuddler in your sleep." He retorts. This time my cheeks flare up.

"Heh, is that bad or good?" I ask, honestly not sure how he feels about it.

"I'm not claustrophobic, so I find it pretty adorable and relaxing." He flashes a grin.

"In that case." I snuggle up against him and relax my hand on his chest and nuzzle my face in his chest, his arm still surrounding me.

"I love you, Alex."

"I love you too. Scarlett. More than you'll ever know." And with that he kisses my head and turns on the tv.

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