Chapter 20

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Alex P.O.V
"What? Are you pulling my leg?" Brandon asks, now completely awake.

"No, I am really schizophrenic." I respond with a shrug.

"Wow, didn't expect that out of you. You're really calm for someone with such a serious disease. Plus, you don't start screaming at no one for no apparent reason." He states, scratching his head.

" That's because I have a very mild case plus, I've learned to manage it over the years." I state a matter of factly.

" How long have you had it since you were diagnosed?" He asks.

" 6 years." I say.

"Huh, guess that really does give you time to adjust to it."  He says with a crooked smile.

"I guess, but how am I going to break it to Scar?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

"She's pretty chill. I'm sure it won't make any difference, man. Just be casual and don't act like a psychotic basket case and you'll be fine with just spilling it." He states while patting my back.

I relax ever so slightly. 

"Yea, she is, but this isn't your average news, so I am still apprehensive." I say honestly.

" I understand man. You are a very rare case. At least it's mild, so we don't have to worry about you going ballistic and screaming at a nonexistent human or creature." He says with a slight laugh. I laugh a little as well.

"True." I answer.

"It must be a mild case because aren't most schizophrenics hospitalized?" He asks. I flinch slightly at the mention of hospitalization.

" Y-yes. Actually, I was hospitalized at one point because my mom caught me talking to myself from the disorder and flipped out. I wasn't screaming and back then I didn't know how to cope with the disease." I explain calmly, slightly shuddering from the memory.

"Wow. That must've been awful." There's a long pause and I see the gears turning in his head. " If you don't mind me asking, what does it feel like to be a patient in one of those facilities?" He asks.

" Your whole life goes on hold. You're shut in from everyone and everything. The only thing you are able to hear are the cries and screams from the other patients around you. You're constantly bored and you can't do a thing about it. For some patients, they can't wait till their medicine is given to them and they can go into a state a euphoria that we know as quiet. For me, the only happiness I felt is when it would rain, it always calmed me and just was a picture of how grim the world was for me, but the rain was beautiful.." I drone out and look up slightly at Brandon who's face had gone pale and he honestly, looked frightened and I think I saw some sympathy as well. I shake my head and smile weakly at him, mostly snapping out of the back trance I was just in.

"W-wow, I never thought of it like that, that sounds miserable, as it must've been. I'm sorry you had to endure that and I'm glad you're out, you really aren't insane. You're a very calm dude." He says earnestly.

I smile. " Thanks Brandon." He stands up and engulfs me into a bear hug. Compared to me, he's large. I don't work out and he clearly does. My lanky frame is just engulfed into his arms and I hug him back, then we pull away.

"I'm glad you're with my lil sis. You're very down to earth unlike the rest of those egotistical jerks at her school".

" I guess I am, honestly, I'm not sure how I am. I just go day by day and just be me." I shrug.

" That's a good thing, Alex." He says then yawns.

" Sorry for waking you, it just if I didn't do this now I wouldn't have been able to get the guts to do this at all." I apologize.

" No, No, it's fine, really. I'm glad you did. You needed help and I got some more information about you. It's cool." He responds.

" Thanks again." I say.

" No problem, man. Now, you need to get some sleep." He says like the protective older brother he is.

"Okay, goodnight, Brandon."

" Goodnight, Alex." With that, I left his room and went back to Scarlet's.
She's still out cold when I enter, I slip back under the covers and her, covering her up as well. Before long exhaustion hit and I was passed out into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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