Alex's Past....

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The voices whisper in my ears. At this point, I've learned how to tune them out to a certain extent, other times I just can't. I walk hearing the rhythmic tap of rain on the tin roof and the smacking of my bare flesh against the tile as I walk. I open the blinds and slightly smirk at the pouring rain. I've always enjoyed the rain, the gray sky and rhythmic tap has always put me at ease. I hear the metal flap of the door squeak open as they deliver my meds. I'm in the solitary confinement unit since I've been labeled as 'Mentally Unstable'. I've never harmed anyone, nor never harmed myself, I was sent here because one time my mom caught me talking back to the voices and flipped out. I pick up the tablets and throw them back with a gulp of water. I sigh at the memory and lay down on the bed. The springs cry out as my body weight is administered upon them, I pull the blankets over my head and wait till the medicine is active, not soon enough I hear the voices subside. I let out a breath of relief and listen to the patter of the pouring rain lulling me into a dreamless slumber.

I wake up being shook, I crack my eyes open to see my regular nurse.

"Cmon Alex, time for therapy." He says, sympathy embedded in his voice. He's the only one who knows that I'm sane and don't belong here.

I reluctantly get up and trudge to the consulars office hearing the scuff of my slippers against the tile. I knock gently on the door and hear a perky "come on in!" from my counselor Mrs. Sunshine. Coincidence? I think not... I walk in the room slowly dragging my feet and silently sitting down on the couch feeling it cave under my weight.

"How are you today, Alex?" She asks perkily.

I look up beneath my long black hair and mumble.

"I've been sent here against my will when I'm perfectly sane, how do you think I'm doing?"

"I see, so since you've been put on the medication for your schizophrenia how have you been sleeping?" I see the sympathy in her eyes and hopefulness in her voice.

"Better than I was before, I guess." I say a bit louder.

"That's good." She says perking up again. I shrug and pick at my nails.

"I suppose." I mutter

"Ok, look Alexander. I know you don't like it here but, you are stuck here for a little longer."

"How long is a "little longer", a  year? Time here drags on forever." I spat. She looks a little stunned and a little hurt, I sigh and say.

"Look, I'm sorry for snapping but, I'm not supposed to be here, I was a lot happier before I was admitted into this hell." Although, I may not look it, I'm actually nice, I just hate this hospital with every fiber of my being."

"I know. We've figured that out, you're being released this afternoon." She says happily. For the first time since I've been admitted into this hospital 8 months ago, I smile. Mrs. Sunshine's face lights up.

"Go on and pack your things, you leave in an hour." She smiles. I go and do just that. From that day on my life had changed for the better.


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