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* 1 month later*
Scarlett's P.O.V
It's been a while since Alex's hospital episode. The cancer has been stabilized and seems to not effect him that much anymore. He had to do chemotherapy and had to cut his hair. He wasn't pleased about that but, he seems to be warming up to it. I liked it better long but, him not being In pain and on the verge of death is better than his hair. He was released on outpatient care about a month ago and he seems quite happy about being out of the hospital. I hated that place just as much as he did. It was so depressing and hurt me to see him miserable is more ways then one. I hop into my car and pull out of my drive way and to Alex's house. As soon as I was about to knock on the door the door opened and Maddie welcomed me with a hug to my legs. "Scarwet!" She still can't pronounce "L's" yet, but I don't mind. I pick her up and hold her to my side.
"Hi Maddie!" I say and lightly pinch her nose between my index finger and middle finger. She scrunches her face up and giggles.
"How are you?" I ask
"I'm good!" She exclaims.
"Where's your brother?" I ask nonchalantly.
"Upstairs, in his room". She explains and points to the stair case.
"Ok, I'm going to go visit him, do you want to come with me?" I explain. She nods and I start to walk towards the stair case. I spot Alex's mom sitting on the couch and I wave to her.
"Oh, hey Scarlett! I didn't hear you come in." She explains.
"Maddie let me in." I explain.
"Ah, ok. Well Alex is upstairs in his room." She states.
"Ok, I'm going up there with Maddie."
"Ok, have fun!" She says with a smile. I nod and start up the stairs hear a riff of guitar and unknowingly smile. Maddie squirms and I put her down. She knocks on the door and I hear the riff stop and his voice half-yelling a "come in" she opens the door and I swear I saw his face light up. He smiles and picks up Maddie and spins her around. She giggles and he puts her down and she's stumbles around, clearly dizzy. He walks over to me wraps an arm around me and kisses my cheek.
"Hey, I didn't know you were coming." He states
"Yea, I know. Wanted to surprise you." I grin.
"I like that surprise." He smiles and hugs me.
He looks at Maddie who is still stumbling.
"You alright, squirt?" He asks while chuckling.
"Yep, I'm good." She straightens herself out and giggles before scampering off. We both laugh.
"How are you feeling? Any more lightheadedness?" I ask, concerned.
"I'm ok, babe. I haven't had anymore episodes and I've actually been sleeping so much better." He says.
"Thats great! I'm so glad you're feeling better." I exclaim and hug him tighter.
"I am too, I hate being ill and hate seeing you in pain because of it." He says. Suddenly, he picks me up and I squeal.
"What are you-" he cuts me off by pecking my lips and my cheeks heat up. He chuckles and puts me down.
"That's what I was doing." He smirks and runs a hand through his hair. His hair is combed over and has gel in it. He still looks as handsome as ever. He's still getting used to it not being long. He's trying to grow it back out. He pulls away from me and lounges back on his bed with a slight grunt, I follow him and he starts up his PlayStation 4. He hands me a turned on controller and smirks. He knows I know nothing about video games. I roll my eyes and he starts the game. I forgot to look at the name, but it's a form of racing game. I run off the road and crash many times. I know he went easy on me cause I won a few. He laughs when I start to get frustrated. He wraps an arm around me and kisses the side of my head. He wraps both arms around me after putting his controller down and guides my hands around as he teaches me a better way to play. Some how this made me blush. I look back at him and he kisses me. Slow and gentle, our lips move in sync. He pulls away gently and smiles at me. I smiles back and rest my head on the crook on his shoulder and we just lay there and he plays his iPod and we just cuddle.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I just kind of lost the idea for it. But I'm back and will start updating more.
Love ya guys!

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