Now or Never

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He lightly cups my cheek, examining my face with an icy, intense blue gaze. He leans back and sighs.

"Well, that was intense."

"Yea, it was, thanks for saving me" I turn to look at him and he smiles.

"No problem, nobody will hurt you and get away with it when I'm here to help it." He grins.

I giggle at his grin and smile a real smile. He hugs me tight and I hug back, embracing him inhaling his scent, mint and Axe. I relax and I feel
him relax as well. He breaks the hug and leans back, resting.

"So, what do you want to do?" I suddenly ask, quietly.

"Well, I'm kinda hungry and by what muscle head back there said it seems like you didn't eat much either. So how about we go grab a bite to eat?"

"Um, sure let me text my mom and let her know I'll be late." I state

"Yeah, I better do the same." He says while reaching in his pocket for his phone.
I pull up my small backpack and search for my IPhone 1st generation. Once I found it I text my mom "Hey, Mom I'm going to get lunch with a friend so I'll be returning home late." Around 4 mins later I get a response reading: "Ok Honey, just becareful!! Love you!' I smile at her protectiveness and text back "I will, love you too" I drop my phone back in my bag and put it back on the floor board.
"You ready?" He asks


"Ok, how does McAlisters sound? He asks

"Sounds good." I respond.
He nods, turns the car on and pulls out of the school parking lot. I rest my head on my hand and gaze out at the passing scenery, zoning out. Suddenly, I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder, I scream and turn around to see Alex looking as stunned as I am. He chuckles at our surprised faces and says in between laughs "we're here." I laugh with him. He gets out of the car quickly and opens my door, letting me out. "Thanks." I respond "no problem, love." He smiles and I blush at the nickname and he leads me inside. We sit down and a waiter comes up "Hi I'm Shane and I'll be your server tonight." He winks at Scarlett. I feel......jealous? Wait whoa what!? I can't be jealous her and I aren't even dating!
"U-um I'll have a Cherry Coke." Scarlett stutters. "

And I'll have a coffee." I say a little too quickly.

"Ok, I'll have those right out." Her winks at Scarlett than leaves. I clench my fist. Scarlett sees and looks at me with worry and confusion.

"What's wrong, Alex?" She asks lightly.

"Oh, nothing." I lie. She looks at me not buying it. Gets up and sits next to me, putting her small frail hand over my warm large hand. She smiles and my hands relax. The waiter comes back and hands us our drinks and his cocky expression has turned to a scowl when he saw us.

"What can I get you to eat...?" He asked between clenched teeth.
I look at Scarlett and she says "a-a fruit salad with French dressing, please?" He nods and looks at me "the chicken club, grilled please." He snaps his notebook shut and storms off. Scarlett and I look at each other than burst out laughing.

"Man, was he mad." I laugh

"Yea, he was!" Scarlett laughs as well.

Around 5 mins later Shane comes back with our food and walks off with out a word. We eat and talk about concerts we've been to.

"Woah, so you actually met Ronnie Radke!? I exclaim

"Yep." She says a bit of excitement in her voice.

"I'm so jealous." I Boast, getting off looks from people, but I couldn't care less of what they thought of me.

A few mins later Shane brings our desserts and the check. Scarlett got strawberry cheese cake and I got a brownie melt. We devoured it and after we argued about who's paying, I won, we left and I drive Scarlett home. We stop at her door step.

"Thanks, for everything." She suddenly says.

"It was no problem, I had fun." I respond shoving my hands in my jean pockets.

"Do it." My mind repeats

Just as she was turning the knob I gently pull her back and press my lips against hers.

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