Going a Little Overboard: Chapter 3

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I was confused when Cody took me into a huge rec room, complete with a pool table, wide-screen TV and couches.

"Whoa, haven't been here yet." I muttered, leaning against the wall next to the door, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Not many people have. I've been exploring, and discovered this is only for students. And as you already know everybody on this trip is a senior." He said in his condescending way.

I scoffed. "Whatever dude. Why'd you bring me here? No, better yet, how come every time I turn around you'reright there?! I don't even know you." I growled, taking a step toward him, my short temper taking over.

"Oh give it a rest Bree. It's not my fault you hated me since we first talked, which was oh, I don't know 9 hours ago?" He sighed, and shook his head.

"Sorry. I didn't bring you here so we could fight. I want to get to know you better. Think we could try?" He asked, and his expression was so adorable I found myself agreeing.

"Fine." I nodded, and we sat on the floor together in front of the huge flat-screen TV.

"No way, I'm totally Team Jacob. I mean look at him." I practically drooled at the sight of Taylor Lautner shirtless.

"Well, I prefer none of them, although that little black-haired one is cute." I scoffed, and he shrugged.

"It's okay. I prefer blondes." I lowered my head slightly, hoping I wasn't blushing.

He chuckled from beside me. "May has pictures of that vampire guy all over our room already, so look out." He advised, reaching out and pushing a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, I guess I'll be sneaking into your room with a Sharpie tonight." I breathed.

"Guess I'll remember to lock the door." He leaned in slightly, and I couldn't help but get closer.

"Maybe that would be a good idea." I managed just before his lips came crashing down on mine.

It was the oddest thing, I'd never felt sparks with anybody I'd kissed before. Cody kissed like any other guy, and he tasted like raspberries. But in that moment, I wanted more.

"Whoooooa. I told you May! Are we the best or what?" Blaine's voice broke through the fog blanketing my mind and I pulled back, blinking at the sudden brightness in the room.

"Aw, that's the most adorable thing." May giggled in her sweet child-like way.

Just looking at the smile on her face, I knew she was doing it for my sake, not hers and I couldn't be angry. But Blaine, well he's Blaine and everything he does is for himself.

I cast a side-long glance at Cody to see him smirking, his expression completely calm.

What the hell was I thinking? This was the creeper that followed me around all day, being obnoxious and annoying.

I quickly scrambled up, and made my way for the door, but a voice stopped me.

"Where are you going Amberlee, baby?" Came my best friend's voice, knowing it would stop me.

It worked, I froze in my tracks and before I knew it I'd spun and my fist had connected with Blaine's face. He stumbled back, blood gushing out of his 'oh-so perfect face' and I flipped him off.

"Dick." I spat, turning on my heel and stomping off in the direction of my room.

I didn't even realize somebody had followed me until I was jamming my key-card into the slot. I whirled on the person, a curse on my lips when I realized it was May. She looked slightly out of breath after running after me the whole way here.

Going a Little OverboardWhere stories live. Discover now