Going a Little Overboard: Chapter 5

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When I finally left May's room, Cody followed me out, stopping me just outside their door.

"That was a really nice thing you did for my sister. I know she's really happy. Guess she thinks your drawings are really good." Cody smirked, leaning against the wall next to his door.

I smiled, blushing slightly, "well, May's a really sweet girl. And I just told her the truth. Her drawings are amazing."

"They really are. I prefer writing myself..." He trailed off, a blush spreading across his face and neck.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of Cody." I sighed, touching his arm.

"I know. But still, if anybody else hears about this I'll have to kill you. Nobody knows except May, and now you."

I couldn't help it, but, "Awww, that is so adorable." I immediately hugged Cody around the waist. He stiffened slightly for a moment, but relaxed into the embrace, his hands on either side of my waist.

I looked at my watch over his shoulder and panicked. "I have to go! It's past curfew. Angela's going to be-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, before Angela herself came down the hallway.

"Kids, why are you still out? It's past curfew, you should be in your rooms, in bed!" She tapped her wrist for emphasis, pursing her lips.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to the time..." I sighed, and Angela smiled softly in knowing.

"This will be our little secret then. Now, off to your rooms!" She clapped once, and continued on down the hallway, her brown ponytail swinging behind her.

Well, that was odd.

Cody cleared his throat, and my head swung around quickly to meet his steady gaze. I quirked an eyebrow, beginning to walk backwards toward the safety of my room.

"Now now. Where do you think you're going?" He chuckled, catching me around the waist.

"My room." I rolled my eyes, struggling against him. Sadly, he was much stronger than me, so I went limp. The second his grip slackened I ripped out of his grasp and ran down the hallway, shoving my card in the slot and slamming the door behind me, laughing the entire time.


Blaine glanced up at me from his computer, cocking an eyebrow. I waved him off, and went into our bathroom to get ready for bed.

Fifteen minutes later, I was showered and exhausted beyond belief.

"I'm going to bed. So you are too. 'Night." I mumbled, flopping down on top of the covers.

"Wait, we got our class schedules today." Blaine chuckled, dropping the sheet of paper on my face. I snatched it up, trying to focus on the printing through the blurring of my eyes.

"Class starts on Wednesday. They want us to get used to the boat and where to go before they start." Blaine supplied, closing his laptop.

"Do we have classes together?" I suppressed a yawn, my eyes heavy. My best friend knew me well, and pulled the paper out of my hand, which dropped to the bed.

"We'll talk tomorrow. Good-night Bree." He smiled softly, pulling he blankets to my chin and kissing me on the forehead.

I rolled over just as the light went out, letting sleep wash over me.


A few days later, I was spending my last free day tanning by the pool while May and Blaine had some alone time. I was basking in the fact that I had managed to hide from Cody after the whole awkward incident, when he sat down on the edge of my chair, clad in his usual black band tshirt, baggy jeans, and boots.

Pushing my sunglasses up, I cocked an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"We need to talk Bree."

"We have nothing to talk about."

"Yes, we really do."

I shrugged. "Well, I heard I only have three out of six classes with you. Than-"

"Bree!" He cut me off, looking frustrated. "I'm done playing this cat and mouse game with you."

I rolled my eyes, "This isn't a game Cody. Because if it was, you'd lose." I put my sunglasses back on, and lay back. I was done with his stupid mind games. But apparently he wasn't.

"Bree, please?" I sighed heavily, and sat up.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I managed through clenched teeth. Some people just really irritated me, and it seemed that he was one of them. Not that he helped all that much.

"I want you to tell me why you've been avoiding me." He stated simply, waving idly at some staring, bikini-clad girls, who blushed and looked away, giggling.

"Maybe, that's why. I don't do mind games. I don't do this. You're completely noncommitted."

"I am so." He scoffed, and I gestured to the girls.

"Alright, fine. So I am a little noncommitted." I smiled in approval that he was finally admitting it, and grabbed my stuff. Cody stood up quickly.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you." I muttered, pulling my shorts on and throwing my shirt into my bag.

"C'mon, Bree. Don't be like that."

"Be like what?" I sighed,  throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"The whole cold shoulder thing."

"I'm not giving you the cold shoulder, I'm just done with this conversation."


"Enough, just stop."


"Cody-" Before I could even finish my response, Cody's lips were on mine. Again, I felt that feeling. The feeling that shouldn't have been there. Not that I didn't enjoy that, but he didn't need to know that. I pulled back quickly, looking around at the girls who were staring at me with jealousy.

"How's that for noncommitted?" He chuckled, leaving me standing there, dizzy from his random kiss.

Cody's random kissing was happening much more often than it should've, and I didn't know if I liked where it was leading.

After I managed to get my bearings, I decided I needed to catch up on my studying, and went back to our room.

Fifteen minutes later, I was standing outside my room, frowning as low moans, and high-pitched giggles came from inside.

With an eyeroll, I stomped down the hallway to Cody's door, and knocked briskly, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Hey, whats' going on?" He frowned, as I pushed past him. No May.

"Where's your sister?" I demanded, rounding on him.

"She's with Blaine, why?" Cody leant against the closed door, staring at me quizzically.

"Because I tried to go to my room, but there were questionable noises coming from there, and I was hoping that it was May, not some other girl. That poor girl is too sweet for him, he can be slightly insensitive."

"Well, as long as she's happy." Cody shrugged.

"Oh, yeah. I need to hand out here, I'm good with not being there." I smiled, hoping he didn't see it as forced as it was.

"Yeah, of course. Or, we could join 'em?" He winked suggestively, and I groaned.

"Ugh, no thanks."

He just shrugged, "One day. One day."

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