chapter 1

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hii everyone, from now on, all updates are the rewritten chapters x


Everyone has their own secret, whether it's a dark one or not. She has two secrets; one is shared between 3 people. The other is shared with many.

The one that happens to share with many, is the fact that we all have an illegal skating ring. Called 'S'. No one dares tell a soul.

She usually hangs out with a group of people, their ages vary. They have two founding members of S; they go by the names Joe and Cherry Blossom. They are accompanied by Shadow, Reki and Langa and finally Miya, he's a national skater. Langa goes by the name Snow, he was given it on his first night. Reki, and Miya stick to their names, they don't have any aliases. She does on the other hand, she goes by the name Silk, courtesy of Reki, he came up with the name.

But onto her other secret. The only two people she shares it with are in fact Joe and Cherry Blossom or better known to her, Uncle Kojiro and Uncle Kaoru.

Her name is Asami Sakurayashiki, the niece of Kaoru Sakurayashiki and this is the wild adventures with the gang.


It was late at night, and she was waiting in the car with Shokichi Oka. They were waiting for Reki, who was as late as ever. Finally the car door opened and Asami was sitting in the back with Sketchy. Oka yawns as Reki climbs in, "You're late Reki."

"I'm sorry man. Hey Asami" He says as he places on his seatbelt and the Oka begins to drive to S. "Hey Reki." She says with a small smile.

On the grounds of S, Oka honks the car horn as skaters get in the way, "Please, someone is going to get hurt-"
Only for Reki to interrupt him and say "Hey- seems like a typical night to me!"
Asami just rolls her eyes at this comment, Reki has always been the outgoing one.Reki rode up to the starting line on his board, Asami tailing close behind. She wasn't much of a skater, but she tried her best. At the start line Shadow was waiting for Reki. They had a beef to get done. The whole day Reki had been gushing about this beef with Shadow.

"You were smart to run away the last time." Announced Shadow with a gruff voice. Reki got off his board and then stood there defiantly, "Take back what you said Shadow. You are going to regret dissing me." Reki said.

Asami was about to speak but was drowned out by the crowd as they shouted, "It's beef time!"

The alarm sounded, signaling a race was about to begin and people started moving off the track. Asami gave a look of reassurance to Reki and then moved away. Reki looked at Shadow, determination on his face.

In return he got a thumb across the throat from Shadow. 'Lovely-' Asami thought sarcastically.

Oka had mumbled something, but you were too worried to even notice what he said, but Sketchy barked in support. The lights counted down one by one, they leant forward, getting ready to move at the last sound.

And they were off. As they started Asami, and Oka had then gotten in the car and started their way to the finish line only for the race to be cut short with Reki falling off his board.

In return for losing the beef, Shadow was allowed to set fire to Reki's board.


"Something wrong?" Nanako Hasegawa asked, looking over at her son as they were driving.

"Huh? No...It's just weird not seeing snow everywhere." Langa says in response while looking out the window.

Nanako looks back in front of her, "Are you starting to have second thoughts about moving out here?"

Kaoru's nieceWhere stories live. Discover now