chapter 4

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You were hugging Kaoru so tight that he struggled to get up from the ground. Kojiro had to lift you both because you didn't want to let go. Kaoru picked you up bridal style in order to actually move. Kaoru and Kojiro were together at Kojiro's restaurant before the beef, so they didn't have a car.

The distance between the abandoned mine and the restaurant was a walk but it was still too short to use the car. Which meant you had fallen asleep in Kaoru's arms. He looked down at you, your tear-stained face, now relaxed with the presence of people you trust.

"Why is he back...why now...?" Kaoru asked roughly as he placed you down on Kojiro's small love seat in the back. "Kaoru, please just calm down." Kojiro said, as he tried to seat Kaoru, but he resisted. "I...What the hell is he planning this time? He can't be trusted." Kaoru said walking out the room into the main room of the restaurant so that he didn't wake you. Kojiro followed close behind.

"I understand you are upset Kaoru, but you need to focus on helping Asami..."
Kaoru turned quickly to face Kojiro, Kojiro's heart ached at the sight of Kaoru. "She just got better, Kojiro..." Kojiro wraps his arms around Kaoru and holds him tight. Kaoru didn't hug back but he didn't fight off the contact.
"We'll help her through this."


The next morning in class, you could hear Reki speaking to Langa. You couldn't make out any words, but you assumed it was about how Langa agreed to race against Adam next. Reki had complained to you just a few minutes earlier before class had started. After he asked if you were okay, of course.

The next second you heard the teacher walk to the back of the class, still teaching his English lesson and eventually smack Reki for talking. You stifled a laugh at the site. That boy always got hurt one way or another. All three of you had gone to a restaurant for something to eat after school. "So...Adam. What kind of skater is he?" Langa was the first to speak up. You continued to play with your food, not wanting to talk about Adam at all.

"He started S; rumor is he's still undefeated."
"That wasn't supposed to be a good thing..." You say looking at the boy's fascinated face.

"What else you got?"
"That's all I have on him, but you could probably ask the founders for more or Silk." Reki glanced at you as you finally started eating your food.

"Who are they?" Langa asked.
"Cherry, Joe, and you know Silk. And I bet they'd love to go off about that guy." Reki said thinking.

"Don't listen to him." A voice said and they slurp their noodles.
"Joe-? / Kojiro?" You and Reki said at the same time.

"I was skating with Adam before S. There's more to him than his performances."
"Who's that?" Langa asked, confused.

"Joe! One of the founding members!" Reki answers excitedly. "He's known as the six-pack skater!"
"Also the fastest and strongest if you are looking at raw power." You say matter-a-factly. You just so happened to be sitting next to Kojiro this whole time, but because you were blind asf, you didn't see him.

He lifted You up into such a tight hug you struggled to get out freely. "Come on, you know I'm more than just power!"
"Kojiro let go! I can't breathe!" But your words were strangled out.
"Back to Adam..." Langa said and Kojiro kept his hold on you and Reki was dying of laughter. "What kind of skater is he?" Kojiro let go of you as Langa asked this, and he ruffled your hair before answering. "Well his nickname said a lot. He is the matador of love...He has to do with his view on skating."

"A ritual of love..." You say before your uncle. This earns quick looks from your friends.
"What's up with that? Feels like a stretch."
"This entire game's a stretch. I don't get it now, it's lame." Kojiro said and then continued after glancing at you, "That being said, he's a dangerous skater, make no mistake. Anyone who beefs against Adam whines up severely injured." While you said this, your eyes never moved from your bowl, and Kojiro's gaze never moved from you.

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