chapter 5

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Shadow drove everyone to the hospital. You opted to go with them because right now, you didn't feel like confronting what you had just experienced, so you took the one way of avoiding Kaoru.

By keeping a friend company.

You sat next to Langa on the floor, while he stood. You glanced up, giving him a concerned glance as he just looked at the floor. You were about to speak up when you heard a door slide open and a bandaged Reki walked up.

He looked ridiculous, there was a bandage around his head and he had a sling. "I've got two weeks for a full recovery." He said as he lifted his arm and then he smiled. "But there's no brain damage."
Everyone sighed in relief.

"Glad it wasn't anything more." Miya said after he flopped down onto a chair. "Hope you know you're lucky." Reki walked over to him. "I'm so sorry Miya, I didn't mean to let you down."

"Oh I'm not surprised at all. I told you, no slime can beat the final boss."
" nice." You said and you got an eye-roll in response. "But whatever," He continued speaking. "At least it's not my fault you looked like a fool out there." He said quietly.

"What was that?" Reki asked. Langa was quick to answer. "He said you looked cool out there." You turned away, and hid your laughter and amused expression.

Miya was quick to retrace his steps and turned to Langa. "I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT-"

"Are you sure that's not what you said?" Langa said dumbly while you and Reki giggled at Miya's reaction.

"I hate to break up a cat fight, but your boy here is up next against Adam. You've got work to do." Shadow said. "I'm the worst, I should've never pulled you into this. I'm sorry." Reki said apologetically.
"Don't apologize Reki." Langa said and you glance down at his hands. He was shaking. "It's not your fault."
"You sure...?"


We were on the rooftop for lunch break and there was silence as we ate. Langa had a sandwich, Reki had a bento box, like always and you had a bento box as well. You had made it early in the morning and left before Kaoru could ask you about last night.

Reki struggled with opening his flask, and you were quick to try and help him...but, Langa was already there to open it for him. Now, don't get this wrong, Langa is a fantastic friend, but you still felt that pang of jealousy and hurt that you were being replaced. But you shoved the feeling down and continued eating.

You watched in slight amazement how they drank at the same time and then Reki turned to Langa, "So-"
"No way-"

"You don't even know what I was going to say." Reki said with an unamused expression. "You want me to pull out with racing Adam, right?"
Reki stammers over his words at being caught out, "Well, you saw what happened to me!"
"I saw you ignore Joe after he told you to split."
"That's true Reki, you always have to listen to Uncle Kojiro. Sometimes, only sometimes, he actually knows what's best.
Reki brushed your comment aside, "I didn't think that level of insanity existed. Everything Joe said was real. " He looks at Langa again, his brows furrowed. "Don't do it Langa, it's not worth it.

"That's enough-" You said warning.
"Why are you getting bent outta shape?" Reki asks.
Your mouth was agape. Was he serious right now? "I'm not-"
"Look, if you think racing Adam is gonna get him back for hurting me, please don't. That's not the-"
"I'm going to race him, Reki."


"Kojiro, your finest table please!" You say as you walk near the kitchen of Kojiro's restaurant.

"Anything for my favorite customer." He said with a smile and he gave you a hug. "The regular?"
"The regular." You said with a smile. "So how was school?" He asked as he began to prepare the meal. "Really strange. Firstly, Reki fell asleep in class and it ended up being a nightmare, he woke up by screaming Langa's name with tears in his eyes. Then, I am pretty sure Reki has feelings for Langa and vice versa. Oh and Langa's still going to race Adam."

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