chapter 7

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You sat on board the boat that was taking you to this island. Your uncle had told you the name, but you weren't in the mood to listen to him right now. You noticed how he was asleep so you decided to observe everyone on the deck. And to your luck, the boys were here. And so was Joe. You got up and then went to the railing and admired the view. Your straw coloured hat moved in the wind, so much so you had to secure it by holding it.

*Reki POV*

I was almost in a daze looking at a girl, until-
"Woah! She's hot-!" Langa said standing next to me. "You're so obvious..."
"Like you would know!" I retorted back. "So that's what you like?" Miya said, as he stood on the other side of me.

"Don't waste your time, she's not into you. "How can you be so sure when I haven't even talked to her yet, stupid-!" I shouted in frustration. Shadow gestured to the girl and then I took a sharp breath and started making my way over to her. "Langa, go say hi to her."
"Why? This is your thing."
"I need a wingman," I hooked my arm around his neck. "And that way I look cool and not desperate."
"Glad you know your weaknesses." Miya said with a smug grin.
"Shut it-!"

"What's the best way to talk to a girl here?" Langa asks.
"Just ask her some questions, you know?" Reki replies.
"Like, 'hey girl, you hungry?'"
"No, she's not you..."

"This is dumb, we're on a boat from Okinawa, just say she looks familiar or something." Miya says with his hands on his hips.
"What's that?" The girl says walking over. I gulp, "I, um, I know how to skate pretty well-"

"Uh...Reki?" She said and the boy froze in shock and the rest of the group laughed.

"You just hit on Asami-!" Miya said in between laughs. "Oh my gosh this is amazing, so embarrassing-"
"That was brutal!" Shadow said, also in a laughing fit.
"You're gonna be okay." Langa said with his usual monotone voice. "Dude, I'm not depressed!"
Asami ended up with a smile on her face but I noticed how she seems like she didn't get much sleep again.

*Back to your POV*

"Oh hey- what an unpredictable surprise!" Kojiro said.
"Joe!?" Everyone in the group questioned, except you who cringed at the fact that he had seen you. "Hm? Nice of your dad to bring you here."
"I'm not a chaperone! Trust me, this sucks-" Shadow said in defense.
"I'm sure..."
"It's time to wake up." You heard Carla tell your uncle.

"I know that voice..." Kojiro said as everyone turned to the source of the voice.
"Thank you Carla..." Kaoru said as he stood up.
"Ah great- What the hell are you doing here!?"
"Ah- I could ask you the same damn gigolo. I'm here on business, what's your excuse?" Kaoru shouted and Kojiro just smirked and shrugged his shoulders, "Vacay all day~"

"Going to hot springs." Langa said.
"Yeah same." Said Miya.
"...I'm babysitting..." Hiromi said reluctantly.

"Well, looks like we're all here..." You said awkwardly.
Once you all got off the ferry, you watched how Kojiro continued to flirt with the two ladies and then said a goodbye to them. You didn't listen to a word Hiromi said.
You turned your head when you heard Reki shout and ride off on his skateboard, the rest doing the same.
"Moron!" Hiromi shouted.
"If you're hanging out with morons what does that make you?" You heard Kojiro say.
"Alpha moron maybe?" Kaoru said as he caught up with Kojiro and the rest of the boys.
"Hey, wait a sec, what about all your stuff!?"
"Thanks for grabbing mine." Langa said while clapping his hands together and then raced off.
"...Do you want me to put this stuff in the boot?" You said while lifting your bag up.
Hiromi had a shocked expression on his face at the fact that Kaoru had left you behind, but he quickly got rid of it and nodded.
You then continued to help place all the bags in the boot.

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