I woke up in the car. Luke was next to me. I was using him as a pillow.
"Um, sorry," I whispered blushing. Luke smirked at me.
"Babe, it's okay," Luke grinned at me.
"Luke that was what Simon was on about yesterday. We can't start rumours," Calum whined. Luke pouted before putting his arm around me.
"Um, where are we going," I asked after a few moments of scilence.
"To Luke's parent's place we're gonna crash there till the start of the tour," Calum said. I nodded and leaned onto Luke trying to fall back asleep.
"No Chloe we're almost there. Then you can sleep in my room," Luke murmured poking my cheek. I opened my eyes and glared up at him.
"You meany I'm awake now," I pouted. Luke gently kissed my forehead.
"Are your brothers home," Cal asked.
"Dunno," Luke shrugged grinning at me. Fiddling with my hair. Galnging out the window. Calum glanced back at us with a a small frown on his face. I looked up at Luke. His brow was furrowned, as if he was thinkg very hard, and his eyes glased over like newly cut glass. This dork was like my big brother. But then again he was super sweet to me all the time. But the age gap. I pushed the thoughts from my mind. It would be useless falling in love with Luke he has half the world after him, I don't want to be just annother girl hung up on him. I felt the car stutter to a halt. I slowly sat up. The car was parked in front of a beautiful little house. I unbuckled the seat belt and climbed out the car. Slowly, I walked up to the house. Mikey was holding onto my hand. Luke ran to the front door and swung it open.
"I'm home," He shouted. His Mum came to the front door followed by two older boys.
"Luke sweetheart," His mum, Liz I think, said hugging him. The boys behind Liz, I think, looked like Luke they were his brothers I assumed, "You are all staying in Luke's room, Chloe dear if you like I could get Jack to set up the spare room for you?"
"Nah I'm good to share with them," I smiled. I knew if i had a nightmare I wanted one of these three to get to me first. Liz looked unsure but nodded. I was pretty sure she could read my mind, she was a mum after all. One that cared I mean. I gingerly entered the house holding on tight to Mikey.
"It's okay, Liz is a great person," Mikey whispered into my ear, "So are Jack and Ben they're cool," I followed Luke down some stairs into the basement. It was basically just a giant den.
"I think we'll end up sleeping in here some how," Calum grinned turning on the TV. HE flipped through the channels pausing on the news channel as there was a picture of me.
"Who is Chloe Clifford really," The TV crackled, "We we're told by Michael he was an only child until this girl came into the picture. But is she really his sister? Tweet us who you think she is and we will reveal after the weather," I pulled out of Michael's grasp as I fell to the floor. Tears fell down my face. Luke came running over and pulled my into his chest. I clutched onto him.
They're worse than the kids at school," I murmured into his chest. He picked me up and sat on the couch. I cuddled into him holding onto his shirt.
"Mum said to tell you that Choe is on the news chanel," Someone said walking down the stairs. I felt the couch sink, "She okay," the person added
"Yeah Jack she's just tired," Luke said resting his chiin on my head.
"Chloe Clifford is not who she says she is, she isn't actually Michael's little sister. But she is really Luke Hemming's girlfriend," The TV crackled

One Hundred Days
FanfictionOne Hundred is about my little sister, I lover with all my heart, I just can't quite put my finger on something about her now, she's changed. -Mikey (FROM CHOLE'S POV) (fanfiction)