I woke up on the bed. Luke was sat asleep on a chair. I slowly sat up. Luke was here. Luke. Was. Here. He was asleep. Not fighting back tears but asleep. That hadn't happened. Ever.
"Luke," I choughed. Luke jerked awake. His eyes snapped open. He looked dead at me. Eyes full of that emotional, that one I don't know. That one that Mikey looks at me with. Yeah that one. He bit his bottom lip.
"Babes you okay?" He asked edging closer. I slowly nodded. He cocked his eyebrow, he gently kissed my forehead. A doctor waltzed in.
"Miss Clifford," the doctor said, "You can go home when your legal guardian comes and signs you out," legal guardian who was that. Mikey said mum had gone but I didn't believe him. It was true. But, who was my guardian? I hope they were cool. I hope they let me see the boys. They were the closest things I had to family since mum went haywire went on tour. I battled away by myself against mum and worst of all against myself. Battling myself. My thoughts. My wants. My cravings. I pulled a smile. The doctor returned it before leaving. Calum came in looking flustered. Followed by a worried Ashton and a frouning Michael. They all relaxed once they saw Luke.
"Luke where the fuck you been?" Ashton growled, "we've been worried sick all night. We were almost going to let Chloe stay here another night," I froze. One of the boys were my legal guardian. That was a relief. I lent onto Luke who was sat next to me sharing my bed.
"I'm sorry. I came here last night. I got lonely and it was still visiting hours and I kinda fell asleep here," Luke apologised.
"Who's my guardian?" I mumbled. Luke rested his chin on my head and pulled me in between his legs.
"Technically it's only me," Michael said, glancing at Luke. I was saved from mum from the past. Looking a head. The past is behind us. All that shit.
"But we'll all be here for you," Calum added. I smiled. I could feel Luke's heart beat against my back, it felt comforting. Calum pulled out his phone. "Let's go sign her out," Calum commented waving around his phone. 8:24 am was the time.
"We have an interview at ten," Ashton commented. I bit down on my lip. Mikey turned, "let's a go," Ashton said picking me up. I was wearing a shirt and those jogging bottoms from yesterday. I wrapped my legs around his waist so he wouldn't drop me. I knew he was carrying me like you would a baby but I didn't mind. I felt safe. Luke picked up my phone and pocketed it. It had died I was sure of it. Ashton squeezed out the doorway me on one hip him holding on to me with both arms. Michael signed some papers whilst I sat on Ashton, him playing with my hair. He was attempting to plat it. I smiled. I would have a family. I'm going to be with the boys 24/7. I grinned as Ashton sat me on his hip again as we got up to leave.
"There are papp's and fans outside," Calum said looking out the window putting on his shades. Ashton's grip on me tightened.
"Don't look at the flashes, don't answer any questions," Luke chanted. I nodded. I held on to Ashton, "And don't let go of Ashton." I froze. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Ashton used his arms to support my weight whilst using his body a a shield against the lights.
Ashton put me in the back of the car and did my seat belt up for me. He climbed in next to me and shut the door. Luke claimed in next to me whilst Calum and Mikey got in the front. Mikey started to drive.
"We're going to go to the interview then we'll take you home," Calum said. I slowly nodded, "You're going to come inside with us, into the radio building but you'll have to wait as you can't come in the studio with us I just checked." I bit down on my lip. Calum turned around to look at me. I pulled a weak smile.
"It's okay," I sighed. Mikey glanced at me through the rear view mirror. I knew he knew I was lying. He pulled a sad smile. I looked down at my feekl and fingered the ends of my blond hair. I could feel the car slow down. There was people banging on windows. Mikey tried to get round to the car park without hurting anybody. The car pulled to a stop. We started to pile out the car. I stayed close to the car but the boys started to prance around like idiots. I slowly walked towards them. Calum picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. I screached. I could hear the other three laughing as Calum span around. I was starting to feel dizzy.

One Hundred Days
FanfictionOne Hundred is about my little sister, I lover with all my heart, I just can't quite put my finger on something about her now, she's changed. -Mikey (FROM CHOLE'S POV) (fanfiction)