"Chloe wake up," someone was shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes.
"What's the date and time?" I asked the girl in front of me.
"Eight thirty am. On Saturday the 17th December," she replied. You've been asleep since Five Seconds of Summer were here yesterday. Lucky girl did you get them to come see you? Do you know them? Why was Luke upset?" She asked.
"Um you'd have to wait to know the answers of those questions," I sighed. I rubbed my eyes. So it was close to christmas. Eight days. No point. No point pretending like everything's okay like every year.
"Chloe, um, we were um, like wandering if you wanted to come to the common room," the girl said rubbing her nose. I slowly nodded whilst getting out the bed and slipping on jogging bottems she was holding out. I was already wearing a shirt. She watched me as we walked towards a room full of teens sat around playing video games, or on tablets or computers. Being themselves. The girl was swallowed into a group of girls on the other side of the room. I walked towards the boys playing video games as I got closer I saw they were playing some sort of boring racing game. One of them with black hair looked up at me. He pulled a weak smile. I did the same back. I sat on a bean bag not to far from him. I looked around the room. There was a clear division of girls and boys that I was obviously breaking. I didn't care. I grew up with a big brother who doubled as my best friend and father. A song came on the radio. She looks so perfect. I sighed.
"You don't like them either?" A boy with bright blue eyes and curly blond hair.
"I do, its just some stuff," I murmured.
"Yeah, I think there is something we should tell you guys," the radio buzzed, "Fivesos fans stay tuned to hear what their big secret is." I shook my head. A green day song staryed to play.
"Oh my gosh, I can't wait to hear what the big news is. I hope its something good," a girl giggled.
-Radio interview-
"Well Michael what is your big secret?" The interviewer asked
"We have special girl in our lives her name is Chloe," Michael said
"She's my world," Calum continued
"But she is like that to all of us," Ashton said
"Well all we're saying is we love her and we hope she's listening where she is. If she's listening, get better soon we'll come see you later I promise," Luke grinned
"Sounds like she's very important to alll of you," The interviewer sighed
-end of radio interview-
I blinked.
"Chloe had them visit her yesterday, its obviously her they're talking about her," The girl that came to get me up said.
"Doubt it," the boy with blue eyes and black hair replied, "Or she wouldn't have conplain when their song came on," He smiled over to me and I look down at the floor.
"Yeah she doesn't have to like their music to mean something to them," a different girl commented. I walked quickly and quietly to the door not attracting much attention. I never did. I sat on my assigned bed, in my assigned room. My phone buzzed on the table. I picked it up.
From Seth
Where are you? You're missing school. XxI replied with.
I'm sick can't come in soz.
I didn't know what else to say. The thing is no one feom school no my predicament. And I wish for it to stay that way till I leave it in a matter of months.
Okay. Get better soon. Xx
I read the text over and over again. Did I want to get better? Yeah I did I really did. But was it possible?
There was a knock at my door. I looked up. It was that black haired blue eyes boy.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I nodded. He slowly stepped in the door. His eyes scanned round the room.
"Only one of us that gets a privet room," he murmured. I looked up.
"I always get my own room here," I replied. The nurse walked in and said
"Miss Clifford it is compulsory that you..." she trails of when she sees I have company, "Sorry," she mutters leaving.
"Clifford?" He asked,
"My surname yeah. Same as Mikeys blah blah blah. I've heard it a thousand times," I choke on my words. His face falls into a frown.
"You okay," he asked quietly. I slowly shook my head. He edged closer, "Care to tell me?" He asked kneeling infront on me,
"I don't know how I can keep everything going. Mum, Mikey, home and school," I breath a tears start to role down my cheaks. Mikey walked through the door just then,
"Chloe?" He mumbled, he stumbled forward and sat next to me on the bed. He bairly glanced at the boy, "Chloe, oh my god you're okay now I've got you," he whispered rocking me back and forth and back and forth and back and back and forth and back and forth. Continuously. His warmth was comforting and made me very reminiscent of when we were small. I cuddled up to him. He rested his chin against the top of my head.
"I'm not going back," I whispered,
"Back where?" He whispered back, lifting my chin up looking into my eyes,
"To mum." I sighed, this wasn't going to stay perfect for ever. Mikey never stayed for long when he came home, if he came home. His eyes filled with hurt.
"You're not going to, ever," he replied as the room door opened.
"How's the little soldier?" Someone asked, I turned my head. Luke.
"I'm okay," I breathed, Luke raised his eyebrow. He pulled a small smile. And I flashed a fake one in return. Luke hated me being in hospital. He knows why I end up here but he doesn't know why. Mikey never told the boys about mum. They've met dad's sister who lives near by. I used to stay there the nights mum got really bad but now I don't. I can't go there every night. Ever since Michael left mum is always drunk, she's never sober. She's always angry at me because I can't sing, I can't dance, I have no friends, I have no talents. I'm a waste of oxygen, food and space like she's told me hundreds of times.
"Chloe!" Someone screams at me, I turned round to look at Luke and Mikey stood by my hospital bed. In my hand was some china. I screamed and dropped it onto the floor. I don't remember moving, breaking the vase or picking up a shard. Luke quickly walked over to me and picked me up bridal style before carrying me over to the bed. He sat down and pulled me to his chest whilst Michael left.
"Why did you do that?" He asked looking down at me. Those piercing blue eyes felt like they were boring into my sole. I shifted slightly. Luke's eyes were full of an emotion I saw in Mikey's, but never my own. I didn't know what that emotion was called but it made his eyes seem softer and walked not forgetting making me feel safe with him. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I cuddled closer to Luke as I fell asleep.
Do y'all like this consept? If you dont I'll carry on wrighting it as it will get better I promise.

One Hundred Days
FanfictionOne Hundred is about my little sister, I lover with all my heart, I just can't quite put my finger on something about her now, she's changed. -Mikey (FROM CHOLE'S POV) (fanfiction)