Bad Days Are Over

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Trolls Holiday In Harmony Spoiler.
Took place right after the short movie.

As the balloon take them higher and further from the village, accompanied by the moonlight...the new happy couple could finally have their time alone together. No multitasking, no mission or other troll sneaking in for cotton candy. Just the two of them having a nice trip across everywhere. Branch and Poppy finally turn around from the view and sit in the air balloon side by side still holding hand enjoying each other's company. Branch closed his eyes enjoying the peace and the feeling of his girlfriend's hand in his. A few minutes of silence passed.


"Yes Poppy" Branch answered.


Hearing his girlfriend's sigh Branch immediately open his eyes and look into hers "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

" it's just" she sighed again then smile looking back into her partner's blue eyes "I know how everyone see me as this happy go lucky girl everyday and i know that it's true...but, I'm feeling something new Branch"


"Mhm...and it's different"

"Different? A good one or a bad one!" Branch asked concerned, holding her hand with both of his.

"Oh Branch...of course it's the good one" she chuckled and patted his cheek.

"Then tell me Poppifer," Branch teased wiggling his eyebrow.

"Well..." She sighed "I know I'm not supposed to say this since I've been happy for most of the time in my life but, I'm feeling like I'm at the top of my happiness Branch. I..i got nothing to worry about the bergens eating us, or...or proofing myself to be a good queen, i don't even have to worry about this hot grumpy troll i know not going into my parties"

They both smiled knowing well what she had just talked about, calm feeling in their chest "And this is all new to me Branch" she continued "And if this what true happiness feels like...i want it to last forever"

"Me too too"

Branch really loves seeing his girlfriend happy, even though she looks happy for most of the time he knows that doesn't mean that she feels like it. He knows when she really does feel happy...when she got her sincere and kinda shy smile instead of her usual happy face or when she got that sparkle in her eyes telling him that's she's being happy. Branch knows, Branch always know.

"Now Poppifer... let's talk about the kiss you gave" Branch smirked. He might look shy and awkward in front of the others but when they're all alone...his true colors really shows up.

"Oh my hair...Braaaaanchh" Poppy covered her face. The rousing bright lighting before might've covered her blushes but now that they're gone...

"And so I've made the gift master...giftless? Too stunned to give? Were you thinking about me all day?"

"'re playing sassy huh Branch? Getting confident boy?" She moved her hands from her face and crossed her arms but you could still barely see the blush there. "How about you brag about this cool thing you talked about earlier"

One thing you can't forget about Poppy and Branch is that they're extremely competitive, they also argue A LOT.

"Ugh...don't get me started, that thing blew up and sent me flying. Who else broke their butt and glued their two fingers permanently just to make a gift. I really should start taking those scrapbook classes of yours more seriously"

"Oh Branch...always so silly" the pink troll giggled ruffling her lover's darker hair and patted his cheek softly.

Branch gleamed like a kid hearing the pink troll's laugh. Everything's just perfect. "The bad days really are over huh?"

Slowly as they stared each other lovingly the balloon steadily floating away carrying them into the midst of clouds.

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