BrAnch tHe hoT guY

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OMFG i can't believe this been a draft since 2017 😭😂

Another sunny day as Queen Poppy and all of her fellow friends and the rest of the village sing the morning's usual musical number routine. Yep, all of her friends including HIM.

They finally finished the song with another remarkable pose where Poppy at the top of the group pose standing on top of Branch's broad shoulder.

He's so strong-

The young queen blushed as she look down and see the teal troll smiling and looking up to her.


That perfect smile


Look at those muscles

I wanna touCh- fuc stOp!

Gosh, he's sweating. One word to describe him right now. Sexy- sTop it Poppy...StOppP!!!

Not so long after that, the trolls broke their last pose, saying bye bye and walk away leaving Poppy and the Snack Pack.

"Good Job everyone!" The pink troll waved as her friends are also leaving her one by one to do their own job of the day. Or probably just preparing another musical number and some random parties that doesn't even need or have any reason to celebrate.

She spotted Branch chatting to Prince D.
Hmmm, who knows that Branch could be such good friend with him. At least that's what it looks like.

The blue troll glanced a lil bit to his beautiful queen before telling Prince D that he needed to talk to the Queen and so the young prince take it and left Branch alone for her "Bye B-dude! Talk to you later! We have to do that duet more often!!!"

"Ha ha suRe man, bye!"

"So...duet huh? Leaving me alone?" She said pretending to be hurt "Ouch, what am i to you~"

"Ah! Poppy, my sunshine. I would never leave you alone love!" He said playfully.

Seriously Poppy, i would never ever leave you alone. Pssh like i could even leave you without having to lose my colors again...

"Well... I didn't know that you've been having a duet with Prince D!"

"Yeah! We decided to drop our first album tomorrow, we've been working hard on it since..." Branch look at his watch "...twenty and a half minutes ago"


"Well, Poppy. What do you need?" He said smiling.

"Ah, nothing actually. Just wanna have a little talk with my best bud" she chuckled.

I want to spend more time with you Branch, not just a little talk...

"Well, ummm actually i gotta get going. I have to go to the gym, clean my bunker, collect some sticks, wash some clothes and at the end have a relaxing bubble bath" Branch listed with his fingers.

"Ooooh...nice schedule"

I wanna have that bubble bath with you too- OMG Poppy what are you thinking!

"How about you Poppy? Anything i could help today? I could reschedule mines so i could help you" he winked flirtatiously.

Awww, such a gentletroll...

"Well, nothing really. Reading some stories in the daycare, giving advises, declaring holidays, inaugurating some buildings, nothing much really"

"Are you sure?" Branch said concerned about his crush.

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