Sun, Moon and Star

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AnOtHeR sHoRtIe~~~

Another beautiful afternoon at the top of Troll Tree, once again watching the sunset a couple sitting on it's highest branch.

"Branch! look at the sunset, it's so beautiful!"

"I know Poppy, i know" The male troll chuckled. "Poppy" He slowly take her hand before continuing. "I love you"

"I know Branch, you love me. I love you too buddy" She said looking at him then their hands then at his face again smiling.

"Poppy, you're my sun. You give me happiness everyday and light my day up, you always there for me"

Poppy smiled before saying "And you're my moon. You give me light and hope in the darkest night even when the sunshine's gone, you still give me hope and light so i can walk into the right path. Which leads me to you" She said sheepishly blushing under the dim light of the sunset.

Soon enough the sun goes down replaced by the moon and friends.

A shooting star came.

"Look Branch! Quick! Make a wish!"

"I wish..." He started "I wish for me, and Poppy to be happy forever"

"Awww...that's a really nice wish Branch" She said hugging him "I wish, for Branch's wish to come true and for everyone to be happy"

Another shooting star came.

"Woah Branch! Make another wish!"

Branch close his eyes thinking for a bit.

~I wish that i could be brave to propose her on the right time~

"What did you wish for Branch?"

"Our future "

Broppy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now