Shush... don't cry

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Idek why but lately, I've been crying with no reason so...
Please watch the video before reading- it would make more sense soMehow...

Takes time after TWT

"B..Branch, you left me!"

"But i came back to you right?"

"I was scared! Where were you when i needed you the most!"

"I'm sorry i was wrong leaving your like that"

"T..they captured me"

"It's okay Poppy, we're safe now..."

"I was scared...i needed you, i needed you comforting words, your hugs, your soft voice singing to me!"

"Shush... it's okay now"

Branch softly stroke her hair as she cry herself on his chest.

"Hey Poppy, hey..." Branch said lifting her chin looking at her teary eyes "It's okay, we're safe now"

"A..and she turned you into a rock zombie!"

"It's okay, I'm here... we're here safe..."

"I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Poppy. I promise you that I'd never ever leave you again!"

"I..i was so scared Branch"


"Don't leave me again...please"

"I won't Poppy"

"Promise me!"

"I promise, i would never leave you again... It's all okay now, Barb turned good, everyone's uniting, we're together again and I'd never leave you ever again. Okay?"


"Now don't cry baby, i hate seeing you sad"

"I.. I'm sorry Branch"

"Hey...hey no need to say that, come on how about this, if you stop crying in the count of five I'll buy you ice cream"

"O..okay, ill try..."


"Shhsh... it's let's count"


"See? You're not crying anymore and now we buy ice cream!"

"Yeayy!!! Come on Branchie...i wanna buy the strawberry one with some cherry and marshmallows...".

"Mhm... don't worry miss I'll get you whatever you want"

"I love you Branch..."

"I love you too queen Poppy"

hA- that's all guys...

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