Happiness= Best medicine

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Branch has been living in the hospital for his entire life.

His mother died giving birth and his father is unknown. So he's living in the hospital cuz for some reason they doesn't want to give him up for adoption.

As a kid the nurses adores him, as the little blue troll keep running in the hospital garden, chasing butterflies and help people with his charm as a therapy.

And as he grow up, all the nurses and doctors teach him about remedies but till now, he hasn't gotten a chance to go out the hospital.

15 years passed, he is a very clever and charming boy indeed! Everyone adores him! Teenage girls that have around 5-10 years radius that visited the hospital always wanted to take a selfie with the young boy.

Soon enough, he's the hospital mascot and face!

With his cleverness he helps the doctors and nurses. Despite being young, he's really smart and even some doctors started asking his opinion which they take it very seriously.

Branch loves reading more than anything! Everytime he got the change he would read! In every break you would spotted him holding a book and read!

That's why he's smart.

For a kid, he's very mature. Probably because he's been living with adults and not just ordinary adults but doctors and nurses.

One day, Branch spotted a girl coughing and being pushed on a wheelchair by a guy who has wild hair like Einstein, he's probably her father. The girl's hugging a teddy bear and wearing a pink dress with white sneakers. Her age is probably around 12 or 13. She looks really sad.

Branch learned some stuff about her. First, her name is Poppy, second she's 13, third that man is indeed her father and fourth...she got cancer.

As her father talk to the doctor Poppy push her wheelchair into the garden, she silently cry knowing her life is short.

Branch spotted her cry and having a short argument to himself do he have to approach the girl or just leave her have her own time there.

This is kinda part of Branch's job here, he accompany other children and talk to them!

He decided to approach her.

And he know what to do to help her!

"Hey" he called.

The girl quickly wipe away the tears and look up to him "Hey" she answered weakly.

Branch approach her wheel chair "Can i accompany you? You look lonely and i think i can accompany you" He asked politely. And as the girl nod he quickly sit down on the grass beside her.

"My name is Branch" he smiled


"The garden looks beautiful isn't?" Branch started the girl just nodded. "Are you sick just like me Branch?" She suddenly asked. Branch shook his head "No, why?"

"I know that you know about my sickness, most kids would avoid me because they're afraid that my sickness would infect them. Are you afraid of my sickness infecting you?" she answered sadly.

"Nope! So, you don't have any friend?"

"No" she sighed "I had a friends, one of my bestest one named Ivy she got cancer and just like the rest of my friends, she didn't make it. The doctors said I'm lucky to be alive but i think the opposite, everything's painful for me"

They got quite for a moment "I.. I'm sorry that i told you these stuff Branch, i know it sounds weird and maybe uncomfortable for you to hear it but, are sure you're not afraid of me infecting you?"

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