Hug Time

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A hug per hour for the Trolls. You might be asking "Do they hug only just for the day. Or do they hug in the night as well?" Now here's your answer. They do hug at night, they'd automatically hug or cuddle anyone near them as they sleep, for couples and families it would be easy.

So how about those young adults or teenagers who's been out of their parents pod? Ah, here's the answer. As we know that the Trolls are heavy cuddler it's already in their blood, and due to their so many populations there isn't enough tree branches for everyone's pod and that's why the young trolls would be living in groups in big pods as soon as they're out of their parents pod and when they've chosen their mate they'd move to their own pod to have a family of their own. Of course Trolls with pets, royalties, occupations that needed to have their own place would have to live on their own in their own pod.

And oh! Like I've said before, the Trolls are heavy cuddlers, it's already in their blood. You might be asking on "how about our precious cutie pie Branch?" Ahah! Yes, our cute baby boy Branch... he's actually been CRAVING for hugs! Especially when he started to got his colors back he simply just can't stop the feelings for hugs! When he was boy, he's the heaviest cuddler in the village but since the lost of his grandma he stayed away from everybody else and left his love for hugs.

(Sorry to cut you here but this part was continued after years of being rotten in my draft so it might not make any sense with the earlier part lol)


"You seems to be very touchy today Branch" Poppy spoke realizing that the now blue troll had been holding her hand, not declining hug time and even seems to be looking for her to get a hug every time he hears the bracelet chimes.

"Well I can't help it Poppy, I'm still a troll and after years of being isolated by fear I'm finally free and ready to replace all the hugs I've missed! But...still no group hugs please" he chuckled nerveously. While he finally getting used to Poppy's hugs and even crave for it, group hugs' still on the next level which needed some time to adapt.

After hug time they decided to have a walk around the newly re-build troll tree, some pods are already hanging beautifully and some are still being built. Poppy being a responsible queen she is, making sure that everyone is safe and have all their needs taken care of, meanwhile Branch making sure that all the buildings are in accordance of his safety perimeters, both trolls working together side by side and completing each other.

Tired of a day's work, Branch and Poppy entered the royal pod plopping themselves together on a couch "AHHH" they said in unison. "I'm glad you insisted on setting up my couch Branch, i didn't know that I'd be needing it like now"

"My pleasure pleasure" Branch smiled.

"Do you want some chocolate drink? I really wanted some right now..I'll make them for us" Poppy said standing up. "Huh thought you were tired" Branch teased. "The couch was so soft that it energizes me the moment my butt touched it" she joked walking into the kitchen "So you want it or not?" Branch nodded and asked her to make his with extra less sugar.

Humming to true colors, Poppy danced through the kitchen making the said beverage for her and Branch who's now leaning on the kitchen doorframe smiling, crossing his arms. Since his youth, Branch always thought that she always give him some sorta comfort, while he tried to deny those feelings they'd always come back to him even stronger and he'd ended up looking at her from afar just to feel that comfort of seeing or being near her, it was enough to fill in his grey and miserable life and was enough to keep him alive. She fills the empty hole in his heart.

But as those feelings grow stronger, the need of him seeing her is also stronger that he started collecting sticks near the village so he could spot her and if he was early enough he'd caught a glimpse of her singing a morning song with her friends. Days, weeks, months going by but those feelings never seems to even stayed the same instead they keep going stronger, he even started attending parties! Confused and scared the only explainable reason for him to stay there was to warn everyone about the bergens. Barging into parties, songs, hug times and everywhere Poppy seems to be just get a glimpse of her, and luckily for him, she even started to banter with him! Perfect.

His needs of her seems to be perfectly filled everyday...maybe he enjoy hurting her feelings, maybe he enjoy being right, maybe he enjoy just to annoy her, that seems to be the right explanation on why he feels better after fighting her everyday.

Wrong. He's super wrong. It was not until the bergen caught and threw them all in the pot that he realizes that he doesn't want to see her actually hurt, heck he doesn't even like that frown on her face. He doesn't like being the right one, he wishes he was wrong so she could smile again! His world seems to be crumbling down to dust and even grayer than before just to see her sad admitting that he was right. He feels destroyed when her colors started to drain.

It was his fault, if he didn't try to discourage her throughout their journey she might've had hope. Seeing her happy is what kept him alive, and it was gone. Luckily, that need of seeing her happiness seems to be growing even stronger in his heart and that was enough to gain his confidence and guts to sing.

He thought bringing back his colors would've filled that empty hole with his own happiness. He was once more wrong. His grey coloring might was just a physical sign that he was in distress, danger or a biologically defense mechanism for trolls so they could blend in shadows and other spaces better with their color.

But at least he was now getting closer with Poppy, and by that he could easily fill his need of seeing and being with her. Hug times, constant touching and holding hands with her is more than enough, way better than hurting her just to get her short attention on him.

Seeing her safe and happy is what he need, and right now she's safely-happily walking towards him holding two mugs of chocolate drink.

"Can we snuggle while drinking them?"

"Sure Branch! Come on, it's almost hug time after all!"



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