Perfect For Me

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I know your favorite song

Do i?

I hear it everyday


Whoever made your smile made it to get in my way

Lmao you suck-

And everytime you laugh, you make that little sound

I'd be surprised if you laugh without making any sound...

It's just the hardest thing


To love you but not know how

Psh... pathetic-

And i hate that you're perfe..



"Branch...are you, are you crying again?"

"I... I can't Poppy-"

"Awww Branch... what's wrong love?"

"I'm sorry t..that i...i'm such a bad friend"



"I can't protect you, I can't even be there for you when you needed my support! I left you! What kind of a friend that left his friend, best friend behind! I shouldn't have left you alone just because of a little emotional argument! I.. I'm such a bad friend I'm surprised you even forgive me"

Poppy rushed onto his side and give him the biggest hug she could give "Branch, you're my best friend...the best friend i could even ask for heck you're way better than i could ask for a friend! You always listen to me, you take care of me matter what you always come back to me and that matters a lot"

"B..but i left you!"

"But you came back to me!"


"You saved me..."

"No i didn't, you fixed all of those problems and I didn't even help for a single second!"



"Branch, love...look at me"

She could clearly see how he's been crying "You're the reason we're all save..."

"Huh? W..what do you mean?"

"When.." gulp "When you risk your life got shot and turned into a rock gave me more time to think for a solving a..and you're the reason I didn't wanna give up. I...i love you so much that i finally got that idea to put those gumdrops into my ears. If i got shot in the first place before you i wouldn't had the time to even think about those gumdrops! A..and seeing you turned into a rock zombie was the scariest thing I've ever seen and...the only thing rang in my brain was that i just wanted my best friend back..."

"I.. I didn't think about it that way..."

"You're the reason we're all here..."

"I.. I'm still sorry for all of that Poppy..."

"Well, if you keep insisting saying sorry...all's forgiven even though i still think you didn't even have any mistake"

"But i-"

"Tsk tsk your queen i order you to not argue about this one!"

"Ah...very well my queen, your wish is my command"

" about a lil peck?"


Broppy kiss
Broppy kiss
Broppy kiss
Broppy make out session
Broppy heated make out session
Them baNg-

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