I Love You Game

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GD: GUYS I’M BooOoooOooOrEd-

Biggie: Me too! Right Mr. D

Mr. Dinkles: mEw-

S&C: Yeah, let’s play some games!

Poppy: Agree!!! Uh oh! Let’s play Truth or dare!

Branch: NOPE!

Poppy: Awww, come on Branch…pleaseE

Branch: nOpe!

GD: Ah, i must agree with Branch. We play that game too many times! Let’s play “I Love You!”

Branch: Uh…

Smidge: What kind of a game is that?

GD: HahAh! So basically we play one vs one, each player must say i love you to their opponent! First person who blush or touched will lose!

Branch (surprisingly): Hmmm, interesting.


Mr. Dinkles vs Biggie

Mr. Dinkles: meW-

Biggie: Sksksksksksk omg Mr. D, you made me blush that’s so sweet sksksks!!!!

GD: lmao, rOund tWoooO!

Satin vs Chenille

Satin: I love yyyyy…..I can’t say ittt that’s so gross!!!

Chenille: My turn, i hate you af-

Satin: I’m touched-

GD: AhhaAh! And Round three would be our favorite couple Branch versus Queen Poppy!!!

Branch: mkay, I’ll start. Poppy i love yoyu

Poppy: awww i love you too Branch

Branch: I love your eyes, hair everything! You’re the sunshine to my life

Poppy: Ah, you’re hot too..

Branch: *tongue clicks* I could kiss you now

Poppy: Have i ever mentioned how beautiful your bums are?

Branch: Hm…Can i marry you again???

Poppy: Or how strong and hot your muscles are?

Branch: That’s it. You. Me. Bed. Now *pulls her into some random room*

GD: YeEt-

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