My World

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It was Valentine's day, most trolls would be celebrating with their loved ones including the Queen of Trolls, and her boyfriend.

That evening at the highest branch of Troll Tree, two young trolls spotted sitting there leaning over each other side by side watching a romantic sunset.

No need to tell, you know who they are. Right?

The two trolls always enjoy each other's company and their dates usually ended up with some sweet words or flirt from the male troll and this time it looks like to be one of those dates.

"Branch..." The Queen said as the male troll put one of his arm around her shoulder.

"Yes Poppy?"

"Do you love me?"

"Ummmm...let me think of it" the teal troll joked sticking his tongue out acting as if he was thinking over something hard.

The Queen rolled her eyes over her boyfriend.

"Just kidding my flower, of course i love you!" The male teal troll said.

" have to tell the world that you love me"

Soon after she said that, Branch immediately lean over her and put his lips near her ears whispering

"I Love You"

The Queen chuckled "What's wrong Branch? Are you too embarrassed to tell that?"

"No Poppy, it just...You're My World"

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