Ring Race

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"It needs to be perfect, Clint,"

He rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"50 years from now when you're both old and spending time with your grandkids, it won't matter how you proposed to her; it only matters that you did it,"

"But it's Y/N I need it to be perfect!"

He sighed.

"She loves you, anything you do will be perfect,"

She scoffed at him, continuing to pace again.

"I didn't have a grand proposal to Laura, and we're just fine. You're overthinking this, Nat,"

She burst into sarcastic laughter, remembering the day she heard about their engagement all those years ago.

"Your proposal was shit, Clint, it's a wonder she even married you,"

"Hey! It was not shit! Besides, you can't say anything considering that we have three kids now. If you think about it, that just proves my point that it doesn't matter how you ask,"

"You didn't even get down on one knee! You just pulled out a ring and said, 'you wanna?' It's a fucking miracle you have three kids at this point,"

He glared at her,

"She liked the simplicity of it!"

She laughed again, then eventually let out a sigh.

The truth was, whether she did a simple or a grand proposal, she needed to do it soon; she loved you too much to wait any longer.


Meanwhile, you were currently freaking out to Carol.


"Chill. She's gonna like the ring,"


She sighed, letting a long, deep, slow breath out.


You looked at her, squeezing your hands as you continued stressing.

You wanted your proposal to your girlfriend of five years to be perfect, and it had to start with the perfect ring.

"Do you think she'll say yes?"

Carol scoffed,

"Of course she will, that woman loves you more than anything."

You smiled, thinking about the redhead.

It was on your four month anniversary that you realized you loved her. You were walking through the park, hand-in-hand.

"Detka, I can literally feel you shivering. Are you sure you don't want to head back?"

"No, I wanna stay out here with you! I promised we would watch the meteor shower tonight, so that's what we're going to do!"

"It's not going to be fun for you if you're cold,"

"I'll be fine,"

Natasha sighed, letting go of your hand. You pouted, but quickly turned your head to the side as she took off her jacket.

Your heart melted as she put it over you without another thought.

"But what about you? Won't you be cold too?"

"I don't get cold. Besides, even if I did then I'd just hold you close and share body heat. Then you'd keep me warm,"

You smiled, pressing your lips against hers as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

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