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"They'll love you," Natasha reassured you. "Especially Yelena. Considering how much you get along with Carol, I imagine you'll get along with her great,"

"Are you sure? I've never done this before, and I want your family to approve of me,"

"Hey, you've already got approval from one of my families, this one'll be nothing,"

Taking a deep breath in, you interlocked your fingers with hers. She gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.

She opened the door in front of you, allowing the two of you to walk in together.

She lead you into the living room space, where three people sat there waiting.

"This is Melina, Alexei, and Yelena," she said to you, gesturing to each of them before facing them. "This is my girlfriend, Y/N,"

"Hi," you gave them a friendly wave, hoping your smile would hide your nerves.

All three of them studied you in a different way. Alexei looked you up and down, not saying anything. Melina stared at you for a few moments, before giving you a nod. Meanwhile Yelena gave a soft grin before waving back.

"So you are the one my sister has gone soft for?" She said, standing up.

"Soft?" Natasha challenged. "I'm not soft."

"Please, we all saw the way you swooned when talking about her. Your face turned as red as your hair," Yelena retorted with a snort.

You could feel blood rushing to your cheeks as the situation got more and more uncomfortable.

"Y/N, disregard anything she says," your girlfriend told you, placing a kiss to your forehead.

"But Natty, I-" you started, but got cut off.

"Natty?" Her three family members said in unison.

Your hand flew to your mouth as the realization that you just made things worse hit you.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled, shifting your gaze to the floor.

"Soft," Alexei teased her.

Natasha took a deep breath in, keeping her grip on your hand tight.

"I'm not soft, and neither is my girlfriend. Did I mention that she could set this entire place on fire at will if she wanted to?"

You bite the insides of your cheeks, sending her on odd look that was saying: are you sure this is the best way to tell them about my pyrokinesis?

"Really?" Yelena asked, intrigued. "Show us,"

Natasha gave you an encouraging nod as she let go of your hand and took a step back from you.

You took an extra two steps away from everyone else, then took a deep breath in. You had to be careful, or else you could set something on fire that you didn't mean to.

So you moved your hand up, giving your wrist a nice flick. Once your palm was back in the air, a small flame ignited on your hand.

You grinned at them, making sure the flame was still controlled.

Melina and Alexei looked at you in awe, while your girlfriend smirked proudly.

Yelena however, looked at you with a confused face.

"Why did you flick your wrist?" She asked.

"Huh?" You replied, closing your fist so the flame would die out.

Natasha rolled her eyes at her sister, putting her hand to her forehead.

"Your wrist, why did you flick it when you made the fire? Couldn't you just make the fire by opening your hand and just have it be that? Why do you take the extra time to flick your wrist?"

You weren't sure how to respond, so you just shifted your gaze between Yelena and your hand as you thought about it.

"I dunno, it just feels right to do the wrist flick," you replied with a shrug.

Yelena looked at you, then looked at Natasha. A small laugh escaped her mouth.

"You do it as if someone is watching, you are just like Natasha," she said to you. "My poser sister and her poser girlfriend,"

You made your way back to Natasha, where she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close.

"Look at the posers," Yelena teased.

Despite your embarrassment, you couldn't help but smile.

Of course, once Natasha saw you smiling, a smile crept onto her face too.

Maybe you were both posers. You loved it, and so did she. And despite her comments, Yelena loved it too.

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