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"What were you thinking?"

"I already told you!"

"Are you stupid?"


When your girlfriend invited you to visit her family, you definitely weren't expecting to see her sister and father fighting in front of you. 

"God they're immature," Natasha muttered to her mother.

"You act as if you aren't like that too," Melina replied, not looking up.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Instead of saying anything else, she nuzzled her head into your neck to absorb the heat radiating off of you.

As it would turn out, Alexei broke their heater and Yelena wanted to make him pay. A few months ago he argued, 'the Red Guardian doesn't need a man-made heat source!' and now that there was a raging snowstorm outside, he had come to regret that decision. And Yelena was making sure of it.

Looking back at your girlfriend, you smiled, kissing the top of her head as you heated yourself up just a little bit more for her. 

She sighed, trying to get as close as humanly possible to her personal blanket. 

Still feeling a bit cold, she stood up.

"We should switch,"

You nodded, waiting for her to sit down again so you could sit on her lap.

From there, she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into her. You smiled, placing your own hands over hers as she cherished every bit of the warmth you were providing. 

Alexei broke away from his fight with Yelena for a moment as he watched you.

"Why do you switch spots like that?"

"So Natty's whole body can be warm," you explained, keeping your focus on her.

Yelena tilted her head to the side, realizing what was happening. Alexei seemed to be putting the pieces together too.

Of course, your girlfriend's family knew about your pyrokinesis and all. But they didn't register until now that you used your powers to warm up Natasha.

Before you knew it, they both came charging at you at the same time. You let out a squeal as they each grabbed an arm. 

Natasha kept her hold around your torso as you were being pulled forward.

"What the fuck?" She yelled, glaring at them.

"I'm cold and she can literally make fire and warmth with her mind!" Yelena yelled, giving your arm a harsh tug. 

Just as Natasha was about to say something else, Alexei gave an extra hard pull, picking you up into his arms.

"The heater is mine!" He said triumphantly.

"She's my girlfriend!" Natasha protested, reaching up to grab you.

"Yeah well, I'm cold!" Yelena yelled, doing the same. 

You let out another squeal as Alexei tried to lift you out of their reach. You had no idea what to say or do as you felt your limbs being pulled in every single direction.

Your girlfriend jumped up, grabbing your wrist as she tried to pull you back.

Yelena took that opportunity to kick Alexei in the shin, causing him to cry out before he fell onto his knees.

Both women reached for you, tugging your arms in opposite directions as they fought for your warmth.

Alexei reached back up, grabbing Yelena's ankle to pull her down. Just as she fell, Natasha picked you up and brought you back to the couch.

"Stay behind me!" She said as Yelena and Alexei began to attack her again.

You brought your knees to your chest, eyes widening as the three of them fought for your warmth. 

"She really is no better than them," Melina muttered, glancing up at them.

You chuckled in acknowledgment.

She motioned for you to sit closer to her, holding her arm out. 

"While they're fighting, how about you keep your future mother-in-law warm?"

You smiled, putting both your arms around hers as you used your powers to warm yourself up again.

"Sometimes I worry about Natasha," she admitted. "But she's got a good heart and she's very strong. I believe you're good for her though."

You smiled, feeling your cheeks turn red as your skin grew even warmer than it already was. 

Melina opened her mouth to continue, but was interrupted as the others came running back. 

"Y/N is part of our family now!" Alexei yelled. "And we look after each other, so her heating powers are not limited to Natasha's use only!"

Your smile grew even wider. Despite the chaos, you did love your girlfriend's family.

"I mean, I have multiple limbs," you said with a shrug. 

Realizing what you meant, Natasha sat on your lap and wrapped herself around you. She leaned her head against your chest as Yelena sat on your opposite side. Your future sister-in-law leaned her head against your shoulder, taking in as much warmth as she could. 

Meanwhile, you soon felt a pair of large hands coming from above and reaching down and wrapping around your neck. Alexei's beard definitely wasn't the most comfortable thing against your head, but you didn't dare say anything as you made yourself even warmer for them.

"Natasha you're not allowed to break up with her," Yelena muttered. 

"Trust me, I never plan on it," Natasha mumbled into your chest. 

You leaned down, kissing the top of her head. 

Yeah, you never planned on it either.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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