Betrayal Remembrance

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She could feel her heart racing as the bodies pressed together. He had left to go to the bathroom a bit ago.

He dropped her hand, then left.

Now, it had been at least 20 minutes. Natasha had tried asking other people if they had seen him, but no one was able to help.

Feeling herself getting worried, she got her phone out to call him.

It rang... and rang.... and rang....

No answer.

She began to feel a pit in her stomach, exiting the main room full of people.

Where was he?

She got her phone out again, texting him this time.

Natasha: hey! where are you? I've been looking for you

A minute passed, then another. No response.

Her stomach twisted and turned. She tapped on his contact name, calling him again.

Still nothing.

"Damn it," she muttered, putting her phone in her back pocket.

She let out a long, slow breath. He couldn't have gone home, seeing as she was the one who drove tonight and she always kept her keys with her.

So, she began searching through some of the other rooms throughout the party. 

First door she could find, completely empty room. Second door she could find, two random people were making out on the bed (That was definitely an image she'd like to remove from her mind)

Just as she was about to open the third door, she heard a few voices coming from down the hall.

So, she carefully made her way around the corner, following the voices. As she got closer, the sounds became more and more familiar. 

"Don't you have to get back soon?"

"Don't worry about me, besides, Stark never checks the hallway cameras,"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, baby,"

Natasha felt sick, finally turning the corner to see the man she trusted, the man who had made her smile for the last six months, with his tongue down another girl's throat. 

She audibly gasped, feeling her heart shatter at the sight in front of her.

They immediately broke apart, a guilty expression on both their faces.

"Natasha, baby, I-"


He reached out for her, but she only flinched. 

"Nat, wait!" He called, pushing the other girl off of him. "Natasha!"

She felt tears building up in her eyes, but she didn't dare let them fall as he continued calling after her. 

She ran down the hall, away from him and away from everyone. 

Natasha had opened her heart, just for it to be crushed right in front of her.


It had been almost two years since she was cheated on and broke up with him. Since then, she's become much happier.

For one, she realized she was gay and didn't even like men. For two, she had started dating someone else; you.

She had told you all about her ex, and why she still had some trust issues because of him. Of course, you were as understanding as you could be and promised you would never hurt her like that.

She appreciated you more than you could ever know, and was especially grateful for how safe she felt with you. 

Currently, she was sitting behind you on the bed as she braided your hair.

"Are you excited for the party tonight?" You asked, turning back to face her. 

While she had told you about her ex, she didn't share the whole story of how it went down.

"Yeah," she replied, keeping her focus on your hair.

You smiled, resisting the urge to kiss her.

She continued braiding your hair, placing the hair locks over each other. 

Once she finished, she leaned forward and kissed the top of your head. 

"You look beautiful, my love."


Once the party started, your girlfriend could already feel her heartbeat increasing. Everyone was clumped together, bumping into one another.

You grabbed her arm, pulling her onto the dance floor. She returned your smile, leaning into your touch. 

Natasha interlaced her fingers with yours, leaning forward to plant a kiss against your lips. 

"Ooh," you said, looking over her shoulder and noticing something that caught your eye. "I'm gonna be right back!"

She opened her mouth to say something, but you were already gone.

By now, she could feel her heart racing even more.

You weren't him, and she trusted you.

~But a part of her trusted him too.~

You were her girlfriend who she loved and adored, but she couldn't help but feel her stomach twisting as she thought of what happened with him.

Before she knew it, she was walking off the dance floor and going to find you.

While walking, she fiddled with her fingers as she searched for you through the crowd of people.

"Please not again..." she mumbled under her breath. 

She left the main room, looking for you throughout the rest of the place.

Her hands began shaking as she opened the first door, but there was nothing. 

Second door... nothing.

So, she walked through the long halls. She swore she could hear her own heartbeat.

As your girlfriend turned a corner, she was once again met with a sight she wasn't expecting.

It was you; except you were on a bench, eating cake with a full mouth.

"Oh hey, Natty!" You called, waving out to her.

A wave of relief swept over her as she came to you. She crawled onto your lap, instantly crashing your lips together.

You definitely weren't expecting this from Natasha, but you certainly weren't complaining. Her tongue swept through your mouth until you were sure she could taste the cake frosting just as you had. 

"I love you," she said as she pulled back. 

"I love you too, Natty! Want some cake?"

"Sure," she said with a chuckle. 

She leaned forward, kissing you again. 

She was right; you weren't him. You were Y/N L/N and she had given you her heart. And you never, ~ever~ planned on breaking it.

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