Avoiding The Arms

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You woke up with a smile on your face, ready to spend time with the team you were now apart of. You wanted to make a good impression, so after eating, you quickly made your way to the training room.

The others in the room were Natasha, Clint, Wanda, and Steve. 

You looked at everyone, holding your hand up in a friendly wave as you made your way to the training equipment.

You glanced back at the others, trying to think of the best way to make a good impression on them.

So far, your presence was being ignored. You sighed, trying to hide your disappointment.

So, you made your way to the salmon ladder in the corner of the room. You grabbed the bar, not making eye contact with the others.


You went up the rung.

~swing, swing, swing~

Before you knew it, you had made it all the way to the top. By now, the others were all staring at you.

You grinned, staying up for a minute before swinging it again to go down.

Natasha shifted her gaze between you and Clint,

"Arms..." she muttered.

Clint snapped his head at her, widening his eyes. You were still smiling, making your way to another piece of equipment while her eyes never left you.

Her mouth gaped open, looking close at every muscle sticking out on your body.

Clint chuckled, gears turning in his head as he realized what was happening. He looked back at Natasha, who was still staring at you like an excited puppy. 

He grabbed her arm, giving it a gentle tug as he led her out of the training room.

"What?" She whisper-yelled as he closed the door.

"Come on, Nat, if you wanna get her attention you can't just gawk at her while she's training,"

"What are you talking about?" She asked, crossing her arms.

He rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"I saw the way you were just looking at Y/N,"

Natasha let out a long, slow, sigh.

She mumbled something Clint couldn't quite make out, all he heard was 'arms'.

He smiled in amusement, 

"Don't worry, I'll help you out."


A few weeks later, and Natasha was still choking on her own spit every time she saw you in training clothes. Her cheeks turned as red as her hair as soon as you so much as made eye contact with her.

The only solution she could think of, was to avoid you at all costs. Clint highly advised her not to do this, but of course, she was too stubborn to listen.

You didn't notice at first. You knew she was constantly doing important things, and probably wouldn't have time to get to know the new person on the team.

You had made fast friends with Wanda though, and enjoyed the occasional movie night with her. She would always change the subject whenever you brought up Natasha. But you didn't press it.

You did want to get to know her too, considering she was always your favorite Avenger from everything you heard and saw about them. Being an Avenger yourself now was a dream come true, and sometimes you could still hardly believe it had happened in the first place.

So, you focused on that. You trained everyday, focusing on the fact that you were living your dream. At first, it was simple enough. You were happy.

But then, you noticed the pattern of Natasha leaving the room whenever you entered. She was never in the training room at the same time as you anymore, meaning she changed her training schedule with the intent of avoiding you.

You'd be lying if you said you weren't hurt, but you didn't want to start anything either. So, you went in for training at your normal time.

This time however, you decided to stay late. Of course, you gave yourself enough brakes, but you wanted to stay in for longer today.

It had been a few hours, and you were tired. You made it to the top of the salmon ladder for the 10th time today, letting out a long sigh of relief as the door opened to reveal Natasha. 

Her eyes widened when she saw you, but you wasted no time in getting down and making your way over to her. Granted, it was nowhere near graceful considering that your legs currently felt like jello. But that didn't bother you as you finally stumbled towards her.

"Natasha," you said, out of breath.

"Yes?" She asked, biting the insides of her cheeks as she looked anywhere but your arms. 

"I wanna talk to you about something,"

"Okay... what is it?"

"Do you hate me?" You asked, trying to hide the hurt in your voice.

"What are you talking about, Y/N?"

"It feels like you go out of your way to avoid me, and you're the only one here I haven't really gotten to know. Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh..." she said, holding her hand against her forehead. "I don't hate you, Y/N,"

"Then what is it?" You asked, unable to stop the glistening in your eyes.

She let out a long, deep breath, finally making eye contact.

"It's the opposite, actually," she told you. "I-you're just-" she was unsure how to word things, making you even more confused.


"You're...really..." she hesitated again, "I...you..."

You tilted your head to the side, trying to figure out what she was trying to say.

Instead of struggling with her words again, she smirked, grabbing the back of your neck before crashing against your lips in a kiss.

You weren't expecting that but you definitely weren't complaining. You ran your hands through her hair, moving your lips in sync to hers. She pulled you closer as her tongue explored your mouth. Kissing her was mesmerizing.

When you pulled away for air, you stared at her wide-eyed.

"That was..."

"I've been avoiding you because you make me feel.... things,"

You chuckled at her awkwardness.

"Wow, Nat..."

You were smiling, but her face dropped as the silence carried on. She quickly feared she did the wrong thing, stepping back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" she started, but you cut her off.

"It's fine! I really liked that, Nat,"



By now, you were both smiling widely.

"Can I take you out?" She asked. "Like, on a date?"

"I'd love that,"

Natasha's smile grew as she leaned in to kiss you again. Maybe she should've listened to Clint from the start, but it hardly mattered now. She couldn't wait to take you on the date, but for now, she enjoyed the way her lips felt against yours... And of course, the way her hands felt on your arms she couldn't stop staring at.

She was happy.

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