Falling For The Sister

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"Oh fuck you!"

"Chto za khren? Suka!" (What the fuck? Bitch!)


You both let out screams of frustration as your characters died for what had to be at least the tenth time today.

Maybe playing Mario Bros while you were both sleep deprived was a bad idea. Yelena was spending the weekend at your place, so naturally, you stayed up and had fun together. Now, you were currently on your 25th hour without sleep.

"Let's go again!" She suggested, ready to go to war with Bowser.

"Yeah, let's do it!" You said through a yawn.

She suppressed a yawn, but smiled as the two of you continued playing as the night went on.

At some point, you did end up falling asleep. Yelena didn't even realize it until you were slumped on her shoulder. She thought you were just upset about losing yet again, then she noticed that you weren't making any noise.

So she sighed, resisting the urge to wake you up and laugh at you in the face for falling asleep. She gently set you down on your bed before she went to sleep herself.

Now, you woke up to see her sleeping form across the room.

You rolled out of bed, checking the time. It was almost noon.

"Shit, shit, shit,"

Yelena told you she needed to be dropped off somewhere at 11, and it seems you guys forgot to set an alarm.

You quickly shook her awake, resulting in a groan from your best friend.

"Yel," you said. "It's 11:52,"


She shot up, rolling out of the bed even less graceful than you had. She frantically ran across the room, looking for something else to change into.

You did the same, making sure to grab two granola bars while you were at it. You practically stumbled out the door, running down the steps to your car.

"Drive," she said as soon as she got in the passenger seat.

You nodded, pulling out faster that you ever had, probably breaking a few speeding laws.

She gave you directions, telling you where to turn. Meanwhile, she was also holding your granola bar up for you to eat as you drove. You made a great team.

"Okay," she said after a few minutes.

You pulled over, ready for her to get out.

"You know what? She's already going to be pissed at me, you can come too,"

"What? Who's gonna be pissed at you?" You asked.

"Keep going down the street and you'll see,"


Unfortunately, she said nothing. She simply pointed forward with a determined look.

So you let out a long sigh, and continued to follow your best friend's directions.


After just a few minutes, you arrived much closer to her destination.

"Is that the Avengers compound?"


You tilted your head to the side, but she didn't say anything else. She tilted her head to the side, motioning for you to follow.

"So," she began as you walked. "I should probably mention that I'm a trained killer,"

You stopped in your tracks,

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