Bring You Back

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sequel to operation fire widow

set one year later

pretty angsty BUT i promise it gets better at the end lol

"I swear, if you two don't get married then I won't believe in love anymore," Carol said as she sat down on the chair across from you and Natasha.

You smiled as you felt your girlfriend's arms around you tighten.

Carol couldn't help but smile proudly at the two of you.

You had been together for a little over a year, but you had been crushing on her for months beforehand. Carol, being one of your best friends, had been part of the big plan created to get the two of you together. Things didn't end up going as planned, but of course it all worked out in the end.

"Does anyone want a blanket before it starts?" Wanda asked as she entered the living room.

Carol and Peter both nodded at her, but Natasha simply shook her head.

"I have my blanket right here," she whispered into your ear.

You grinned, then closed your eyes. You purposely used your pyrokinesis to heat yourself up to just the right temperature so your girlfriend could be warm.

She leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on your neck, causing you to giggle.

In the past year that you were together, Natasha evidently found out about your love for Supergirl.

It took some convincing, but eventually you were able to get her to binge watch the show with you so she could catch up to the live episodes.

"Y'know, you're kinda like Kara if you think about it," Natasha had told you. "You're a happy little ray of sunshine, but you can also be a powerful badass when you want to,"

You smiled at her, giving her a quick kiss.

"I think you're like Lena," you replied, smiling at her. "You don't have powers, but you're still a badass and the team would basically be lost without you. You're also super smart, and not to mention the fact that you both have gorgeous green eyes. Plus, you and Lena both act like you're all dark and scary, but deep down you're a softie,"

She rolled her eyes at the last sentence, prompting you to giggle before kissing her once again.

"So if I'm Kara and you're Lena, then that means that you have reason to ship Supercorp now!"

"I already ship them, detka." She told you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Lena clearly makes her smile a lot more than Mon-El ever did. I wish he never came back in the first place, but Lena did right by making the device that required him to leave Earth,"

"I'm so proud of you."

Now, Natasha had caught up so she could watch the episodes live with you Carol, Wanda, and Peter.

The current season wasn't great, but you had been watching it since the pilot of the show first aired and you certainly weren't going to stop now.

"Damn it," you heard Natasha whisper as William appeared on the screen. "I don't want to see him,"

You smiled, then placed your hands over hers, which were currently resting on your lower stomach.

"He's just taking up screen-time that should be going to Nia, or Alex or Kelly," she said to you.

You nodded in agreement, softly rubbing your thumb over her knuckles.

You leaned back father into her, allowing her to place a few kisses on your head.

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