Operation Fire Widow

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"Also no,"


"Just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger, no,"

"Ugh, fine. Is it Steve?"


Sighing, Carol and Wanda looked at each other in defeat; they were not going to crack you tonight.

"Alright, new subject then," Peter interjected, taking a sip of his root beer. Despite his age, you found that he fit in well with you Wanda, and Carol. The four of you made quite an interesting friend group.

"I overheard Mr. Stark talking about how Mr. Fury made Natasha train a bunch of new SHIELD agents and she made a lot of them cry,"

You gripped the pillow tighter, picturing her losing it and yelling. The thought started to make smoke come out of your hands, hence why you were gripping the pillow tighter in an attempt to hide it.

Unfortunately, your attempt was unsuccessful.

"Y/N what the hell are you doing?" Carol asked, noticing the smoke rising.

You let go of the pillow, then balled your fists to try to stop the smoke.

"What's going on?" Wanda asked softly. When you first joined the Avengers, she was the one who helped you learn all about your powers and how to control them. She knew you lost control sometimes, so she placed a gentle hand on your back, which nearly burned her.

"Wait a minute," Carol said, connecting the dots. "It's Nat, isn't it?"

"No!" You lied, feeling the smoke starting to rise from your palms again.

"It is!" Peter said with a grin.

You sighed, hiding your face in the scorched pillow.

"Don't be shy, Y/N," Carol said, smiling at you. "It's sweet,"

"It's pathetic, and never gonna happen!" You protested, not peeking out from the pillow.

"I beg to differ," Peter stated proudly.

"Me too," Wanda said.

"This is gonna be a thing now, isn't it?" You said with a groan.

Peter thought for a minute, thinking about your superhero name and Natasha's.

"Operation Fire Widow," he said.

Wanda and Carol nodded in agreement.

Yep, this was definitely going to be a thing now.


The next morning, you woke up to a loud knock at your bedroom door.

"What is it?" You groaned, rolling over.

"Us!" Wanda yelled back.

You let out a deep breath, there was no getting out of this one.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and Wanda, Carol, and Peter all walked in and sat on your bed. Peter was holding a piece of paper with a bullet list on it.

"What is this?" You asked, rolling your eyes at them.

"Operation Fire Widow!" Peter replied with a bright smile.

"Oh what the hell?" You said, giving in. "Tell me about the operation,"

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