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"Oh god," you just barely dodged a blast of magic your best friend shot at you. She didn't look like she was stopping anytime soon.

So you shot your own blast at her, hoping you could somehow knock her down.

Bad idea.

Wanda's eyes turned red as she took a step closer to you, flicking her wrist and keeping her fingers pointed.

Before you could do anything, red smoke began to fill your vision. You stumbled backwards, holding your hand over your chest, trying to slow your breathing.

Once you opened your eyes, your surroundings had changed. You were now standing in a dark, pitch-black room.

You held your hands in front of you, using your own powers to create a small light so you could see. You knew you weren't in actual danger, Wanda would never actually do that to you. But that didn't stop your nerves or the pounding of your heartbeat. Plus, you had to admit that you were impressed with how powerful she was becoming.

You did a 360, holding your light out to find where she went. Unfortunately, you still couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you.

Just as you were about to use your powers once again to make more light, you heard a grunt as hands were suddenly on your shoulders, knocking you down.

You could see her now, trying to look serious, but you could feel her smile that she so desperately tried to hide.

You weren't gonna let her win that easily. Sure, she was powerful, but you were powerful too.

So you grabbed her wrists, holding tight. You closed your eyes, then felt your powers coursing through your veins, still holding onto her wrists.

She hissed in pain, jumping off of you. You smirked, then lunged at her.

Before you could even land a hit on her, Wanda whipped around and used her magic to suspend you in mid-air. As she kept you there, the surroundings slowly began to become the training room again.

"Bitch," you muttered, flipping her off.

She was willing to set you down nice and easy before, but now she wouldn't. Once again trying to prevent herself from laughing, she tilted her head to the side, then gave a firm flick of her wrist.

Before you knew it, you had been dropped without warning from 10 feet in the air.

Your stomach dropped, and you let out a cry of pain as your ankle rolled once you hit the floor.

Her eyes widened as she realized you were actually hurt.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N, I'm so sorry!"

You gave a response that was a mix between a groan and a whimper, looking at your ankle that was burning with pain.

She bent down next to you, then shifted her gaze between your ankle and your tear-filled eyes.

"Let's get you to medical,"

You nodded, wrapping your arm around her neck as she had an arm at your sides.

You let out shaky breaths, leaning onto her for balance, trying not to put any pressure on your leg.

Turns out, even holding your injured leg in the air was painful. You let out a cry of pain, completely falling onto Wanda as she held you up.

"Okay, this isn't gonna work. Let's stay here, and I'll get Dr. Cho to come here, okay?"

You nodded once again, keeping your tight grip on her as she set you back onto the floor.

She then ran to the wall, tapping on the keypad a few times before it made a beeping sound. Tony had designed that for instances just like this, when there was a medical emergency and someone would need medical to come to them.

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