Chapter 1

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Alpha Lady Luna


"U-u-Uh, uh-I mean Alpha Luna," Gracie, a timid girl, rubs her left arm. Always the nervous one, she was.

She was standing in front of my desk, twirling her index fingers in circles. Her gaze was on the floor, obviously avoiding meeting my eyes. That was understandable. Delivering a message to me hasn't been in her job description when she became an assistant to my grandma.

"M-Mrs-uh-Gretchen said you need to go back to-uh-school."

I stare at the girl, long and hard. She squirms even more, if that was possible. I sighed. Grandmother.

"I do apologize for my behavior. Um...Gracie is it? But would you please send my grandmother in?" I asks earning a soft, timid smile from the small girl.

She nods her head immediately. I could see the happiness in her face with being happy to be asked to do something else. "I will get right on that Alpha."

With that said, she quickly scurried away, leaving me in my thoughts. Why would Grandmother suggest such a thing? I mean I've already graduated once. I let another frustrated sigh out.

An image of my grandma's face appears in my mind's eye. Who knew with this woman?

A few minutes later in walks my lovely, raven-haired grandmother, Gretchen. She wore the face of any elderly woman in her late 70s early 80s.

"Hey Lady." She beams, walking towards me dragging that bad hip along as if it wasn't even there.

I rolled my eyes at her usual cheerfulness and smiles. This lady is my idol-strong, fierce, wild, and free spirited. Every since a few rogue vampires and she found me in the woods, she's been like a mother figure to me.

She told me to call her grandma, but to me she was mama. I have no memory of my life before that or my parents, so she's been my rock. She's been there for me through some hard times, and I owe her so much.

"What are you up to Mama?" I watched her rolled her eyes as she plopped down on the edge of my desk.

"Well, didn't she tell you? Your going back to school!" She gushes happily.

I looked at her as if to say: 'Say what now.'

"College?" I asked confused. She nodded once, an amused gleam in those ancient eyes of hers.

"Yes, it's a new place, and all the others are going to school, and you should too. I bet it's better than staying in a stuffy, cold, dark room all day." Her face scrunched up in a slight frown before a smile reappeared seconds later.

"I like my office. And I've already been to college-I didn't like it. Plus I am the alpha of a pack of a unlikely bunch of misfits grouped together. Thus I have many more important obligations other than school." I explained.

No, we are not like regular rogues, we don't go around killing people for the fun of it. We're rogues because it was our destiny as mama says, to break away. She says every one who has beta or alpha blood in them or any vampire that was a part of clan was destined to stray away and come to mine. Tragic things in their life led them to me and me to them. Maybe it was rejection, their pack/clan being extinct, runaways, or people who were kicked out of their pack or clan for some reason. Every one has a story that makes them who they are in my pack. Every wolf in our pack has either Alpha or Beta blood in them. Thus, it makes us better skilled, disciplined, stronger, more agile, and more powerful than any other rogue or not. And our vampires, are born from some of the oldest, strongest vampire blood, so they say. As for our witches they have some of the strongest blood lines of all even though there aren't that many. Although our pack isn't very big, we got the skills to put any other pack to shame, although many don't know it.

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